By Steve Balich 1/25/2017
I Have received some comments about a post I put on the Will County News attacking the words Dan Proft used saying in satire Grumpy old women, referring to the women’s march on Washington. Maybe he should not have used those words in our political correct world, but he did and I found the article from Up Stream Ideas interesting. I want to be clear I do support equal rights and protections for everyone. “All men are created equal” Men refers to all Humans!
The emails I received were extremely vulgar for the most part. Yes, I believe in equal rights as guaranteed by the Constitution for everyone. We should all have equal rights and protections. The march seemed to me a political statement by those who hate Trump, those who want taxpayers to pay for their lifestyle, and those that embrace every tenant of the Democrat Party. I some women comment that they felt out of place at the march because the agenda was pro: abortion, Black lives matter, LGBTQ, un-documented immigrant, refugee, Planned Parenthood, Climate Change, etc. and mostly anti-Trump.
Some Values & Principals of the March    Excerpts  from Women’s March on Washington Guiding vision and definition of principals

  1. Women have the right to live full healthy lives, free from all forms of violence against our bodies. ( what about honor killings of Sharia Law, rights of women in other countries)
  2. No woman or mother should have to fear that her loved ones will be harmed by those sworn to protect. ( this implies police do a bad job. Police  now should be very careful doing their job since they are considered acting improperly in confrontational situations)
  3. They do not accept any federal, state or local rollbacks, cut, or restrictions on access to healthcare, birth control, HIV/AIDS care and prevention or sexuality education. ( Taxpayer should pay for their life Choices)
  4. They believe that LGBTQIA rights are human rights. This includes access to non-judgemental, comprehensive healthcare with no exceptions or limitations; access to name and gender changes on identity documents; access to benefits for education, employment, housing, and an end to police and State violence. ( this speaks for itself)
  5. Basic workplace protections: paid family leave, affordable healthcare, childcare, sick days, fair pay, vacation time, Un documented and migrant workers must be included in our labor protections, stand with the sex workers rights movement. (no comment)
  6. The U.S. should implement the UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples.
  7. Believe in immigrant and refugee rights regardless of status or country of origin, migration is a human right and no human being is illegal. ( That means no borders, no vetting, let everyone be a citizen)
  8. Our climate must be protected

Children were present in the crowd observing vulgar language, signs, actions, and p—-hats.
“Madona” said she would like to blow up the White House at an event. I don’t take what she said literally or should I.
“Hanoi Jane” after she denounced American soldiers as “war criminals” in the Vietnam war led the LA. march
Angela Davis long time activist  Black Panther “Over the next months and years, we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice, to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations.”
Wikipedia says “The Women’s March was a worldwide protest on January 21, 2017, in support of women’s rights and other causes including immigration reform, health care reform, protection of the natural environment, LGBTQ rights, racial justice, freedom of religion, and workers’ rights. The rallies were aimed at Donald Trump, the recently inaugurated President of the United States.”
So the anti-Trump, anti -conservative agenda from this march should be hailed as great because the media and leftist progressive global establishment says so. Compare 3 unkind words said in satire to the actual event. Saying something others don’t agree with should be protected.
Included in being equally able to voice an opinion is allowing other opinions.