Illinois Opportunity Project released the following statement regarding the results of the February 28 primary election in Algonquin Township:
“Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Bob Miller and his family have run the Highway Department for 52 years. Bob put his wife and two sons-in-law on the township payroll. The Miller family makes a combined $400,000 each year to oversee 55 miles of road. Yet, entrenched Republicans at the state and local level have enthusiastically endorsed Bob and support what he stands for—putting Miller and his family above local families.
Last night, reformer Andrew Gasser defeated Bob Miller in the Republican Primary on the promise of protecting local home values, ending nepotism, and restoring trust in government.
Rather than placate families who are seeing their home values destroyed by predatory government, Gasser championed their cause.
We are proud to support Gasser and his fellow reformers. Over the past five years, we’ve provided material, financial, research, and messaging support to this growing movement of people who have been exploited by powerful politicians and belittled by local media.
We will continue to support those who share our cause. Algonquin Township is a microcosm of the problems in Illinois: Establishment Democrats and Republicans who see your homes and livelihoods as collateral to protect their power and enrich themselves.
Thus, the choice for every leader in the state is: Will they appease the establishment and tamp down the growing reform movement? Or will they empower and encourage the families, small businesses, and leaders who are rising up?
We will continue to support reformers like Gasser who are taking on entrenched interests and local political establishments that have been in control for decades.”
In Liberty,

Matthew Besler