By Bob Livingston


Modern states all have paper currencies which are debt money systems. All forms of government money represent debt. Modern governments would not and could not exist without both an income tax system and the power to create debt money.

The purpose of modern paper currencies (all forms, including computer symbols) is to transfer wealth to the government without payment by the government. The federal government creates modern “money” out of nothing and “pays” it into circulation for something. In other words, the government gets money (any amount of it) and passes it into the “economy” for goods and services. This is the same as saying that the government actually pays for nothing. It transfers wealth and production to itself for free. It pays not one penny.

Why then the income tax? The purpose of the income tax is to conceal the fraud that massive wealth is being transferred to the government without payment. This cover-up conceals the fact that since the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln’s “greenbacks,” paper money is the means of financing all wars and all means and methods of suppressing human liberty.

The vast wealth of governments comes from the creation of money, not from income tax. Why would governments need our income tax if they can create any amount of “money”?

The answer is, of course, they don’t need our income tax, but they have to have the income tax system to cover their money creation fraud. In other words, the people must believe that their income taxes are necessary to support government. All must pay their “fair share.”

So important is the income tax system as a cover-up that it is regulated by threat, coercion, mass brainwashing and a whole system of witchcraft called the tax code. Remember, governments have to conceal their greatest secret, their money machine.

The Internal Revenue Service was formed in 1913 following the adoption (it was never properly ratified) of the 16th Amendment. It is one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people. Now no one questions it. They just grouse about it every spring.

The income tax was enacted even though the U.S. Supreme Court had only recently ruled in Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co. that certain taxes on direct income were unconstitutionally unapportioned direct taxes and violated Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution. Not covered in Pollock is the fact that the income tax also violates the 5th Amendment: No person shall… be deprived of life, liberty or property… nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

During the run-up to the 16th Amendment, President Woodrow Wilson promised Americans that only those earning more than $10,000 (about $100,000 in today’s dollars) per year would even pay taxes and the tax rate would never exceed 3 percent (now 37 percent). In the beginning, that was so; but within four years families were taxed on all income above $1,000 and the top rate had risen to 76 percent, demonstrating how the elected class lies without compunction.

The government began tax withholding in 1943. By withholding a portion of a worker’s paycheck, government is able steal the wealth of its citizens slowly over the course of a year, silently and with little outrage. This is vile treachery, even if the worker receives his money back when he files his “income taxes.” It means that for a year the government has had an interest-free loan on the backs of the citizenry. When the government returns that money, it is viewed as a benevolent master by ignorant citizens who assume the government is giving them some kind of gift, never realizing how poorly they have been used.

A heavy progressive or graduated income tax is the second plank of the Communist Manifesto. The central bank (aka the Federal Reserve) is the fifth plank. The United States has essentially adopted all 10 planks of Marxism.

The income tax is not a constitutional issue. It is a system of Phariseeism promoting general and widespread social depravity and spiritual immorality. It is indeed a spiritual deception.

That governments print money is no state secret. Then why do so few question the meaning of the income tax?

Little children are taught in school to pay income tax. All the propaganda says “pay your fair share.” It is a complete and absolute brainwashing and so big as to defy inquiry. The system is inbred.

Though the income tax is not necessary as a source of government funds in a paper economy, it is very important as a system of regulation. It promotes class warfare and privilege. The government and its politicians can discriminate or favor with the income tax system.

The American people are victims of a massive entrapment scheme that has conned them out of billions of dollars, as well as millions of hours of record-keeping and loss of freedom. Federal judges and U.S. attorneys have all conspired against human rights by failing to inform the people of the nature of income tax entrapment.

This is a financial holocaust that is nothing less than organized crime against the people. What a masterpiece of cynicism and deceit. This conspiracy by the government against the American people is equal to and greater than any tyrant in the history of the world. Please do not forget the duplicity of your “elected representatives.” They have betrayed you.

How can the IRS trap millions of Americans into an enforceable contract and yet claim that it is “voluntary”?

The point is that the income tax has to be understood before you sign a 1040. People sign 1040 income tax forms believing that they are “tax payers.” The government wants very much for you to think of yourself as a “taxpayer.” Has the propaganda succeeded?

Federal Reserve notes (paper dollars) do not promise anything and are not redeemable in anything. The system works on confidence.

Why then do we play this April game if it is not about paying income taxes?

Remember that all modern “money” is debt. You do not “pay” your debts. You swap debt money for debt.

So, when you write a check to the IRS, you think that you are paying taxes simply because this process reduces the numbers in your bank account. Consequently, you have less “money” to spend.

The “payment of income taxes” is not payment of anything, nor is it intended to be. It is a process of regulation to continually reduce the amount of your “money” in circulation. Your check to the IRS reduces your “money” numbers so that you have less to “spend.” Without this regulation (paying income taxes to reduce the volume of money):

Our “money” would become (be perceived as) worthless.

The system would be revealed as the fraud that it is. People must believe that they are “taxpayers” and that their “fair share” goes to support government. They must never know that government creates its “money” for the purpose of transferring wealth to itself without payment.

The so-called income tax system is a regulatory process that is absolutely essential with a debt money system. One cannot exist without the other. Lincoln started the first income tax along with his Lincoln greenback paper money. Lincoln did not free the slaves (a pretense). He made slaves of us all to the money machine. All modern wars were made possible with Lincoln’s paper (debt) “money.”

But we do write symbols on checks “payable” to the IRS. What is happening?

What we are actually doing is conforming to the regulation process by reducing the numbers in our “bank account.” We are limiting our consumption. This process reduces our bidding against government for what we produced. If we were permitted to spend all of the “money” that we get, prices would go to the moon, the system would collapse as the worthless “money” became useless “money” and the fraud of modern money would be revealed, as John Maynard Keynes warned.

So, to slow the collapse, every means possible must be found to restrict the supply of spendable money in the hands of the people. Income tax is the big one. But individual retirement accounts, 401(k)s, buying government debt (Treasury bills, T. notes or T. bonds) and even population control are directly related to the control or regulation of the volume of money.

Government gets services, production, materials and our labor with their created money for free. By all definitions, we are slaves to the money creators.

Why should Americans fear terrorism? The money creators created terrorism and all other wars and conflicts.