The Republic is Waving Its Arms


M.E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”

There was a recent incident concerning a woman in Hawaii who became disoriented on a hike and was not discovered for seventeen days.  For some of the time she was alone she stood atop a precipice and furiously waved her arms hoping that a search plane would spot her.  They didn’t for a long time.

Like this woman, our country has taken a hike from reality and become disoriented.  We are waving our arms for help and the planes are not spotting us.  Are they not seeing us or are they not caring to see us?  WE THE PEOPLE are lost.

For now let’s not lay blame or try and understand how this came to be.  For now let’s just face the fact that we are lost; that there is a chance we will not be found; that our Constitutional Republic will not be a functioning system it will be the memory of a functioning system.  Let’s choose, as this woman did, to live; let’s choose to straighten it out; let’s choose to step to the plate and do the hard dirty work it is going to take to survive to be rescued.  Nothing good can happen until we admit we are lost and stop struggling trying to make sense of a deliberately distorted reality.  The woman who was lost in Hawaii had to think very locally about water and food and safety.  She could not afford to think about the future or let her mind wander into the magnitude of the situation.  This is exactly what we have to do as a People and the Sovereigns of the United States of America.

The overarching premise of a Constitutional Republic is that the state is subordinate to The People.  Since the state can accumulate or confiscate wealth (however one wants to see it) and controls an armed military it amounts to the subordination of the strong to the weak.  Winston Churchill thought this concept the basis of civilization itself.  The United States Constitution structures our federal government and the relationship of the federal government to the states and to the People with this in mind.  This is the reality that is being distorted.  The People elect persons to represent them that promise to keep the system oriented in the right way.  Each elected public servant takes an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and the Constitution requires that these public servants remain just that.

Somewhere along the line the servants began to think of themselves as the masters.  Congress, the jewel in the crown to the Founders, began to transfer more and more power to the Executive branch of the federal government automatically creating a huge administrative state of unelected bureaucrats.  Congress relinquished fiscal control and responsibility and now does not even produce a budget or a plan for the national debt.  Our national finances are run by continuing resolutions.  The whole federal legislative branch, having decided not to do the hard job they were elected to do, is now not attractive to persons of the highest quality and integrity.  There is a critical mass of the second-rate and of the downright dishonest.  This is true of both the House and the Senate.  What a mess.  Congress is supposed to be our compass in the wilderness of domestic and international realities and instead it has chosen to smash itself to pieces and leave us lost.

Thinking survival, the People turned to the only other vehicle they had for help.  They elected a non-politician as Chief Executive of the United States in hopes he could lead us out of the wilderness or at least help reveal what we had gotten ourselves into by forgetting to pay close attention to those in political power.  The People are paying a big price for relinquishing their sovereign role and not educating at least three generations in the factual, not fabricated, basics of civics, economics, philosophy, and history.  What was the Sovereign thinking?  That the servants would not use this opportunity to usurp power and then distort reality so that the People would not even know it is happening?  By turning to a non-swamp President did anyone think the administrative state would not create a way to destroy him?  It is not the President they are destroying it is the very premise of our system — the weak over the strong; the Sovereign over the public servant.

So let’s think as the woman lost in Hawaii had to think.  Let’s think immediate.  We The People have to stop the bleeding.  We The People have to demand that the reports on what happened in 2016 be released as soon as possible but not later than in two months.  We The People have to demand that attacks on the Office of the Presidency be stopped until all objective information has been revealed.  We The People have to demand that Congress go to work and secure the nation’s borders and create a workable budget.  No more recesses, junkets, vacations, impeachment hearings, or anything else until the basic work of the legislative branch is completed.  For those elected public servants who refuse to do the work they were hired to do We The People must fire and replace them.

Miss Constitution is ever hopeful that there are persons of integrity flying over the wilderness that will see the waving arms of the People of the United States, the Sovereign, and rescue us to do the hard work that we must immediately roll up our sleeves and do.

Copyright©2019 M.E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”