Believe in Yourself – There is Someone Who Believes in You!


M.E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”

Miss Constitution had a lovely dinner with friends, including a former State Senator who, when asked about advice to kids said, “Believe in yourself – there is someone who believes in you.” Miss Constitution likes this kind of positive message because nothing but positive can come from it even with life’s setbacks, disappointments, and uphill climbs.  What she can’t understand is why the nation does not say the same thing to itself.

Believe in yourself!

*We have spacious skies; amber waves of grain; purple mountains of majesty; fruitful plains

*We have one nation, under God, out of many disparate groups; and we pledge allegiance to that nation and the personal liberty it affords us

*We have statecraft that works – a new order for the ages as our Great Seal tells us

We are basically good and decent people.  We can be manipulated; we can be lied to; we can be brainwashed; we can be tricked; we can be debauched; we can be lost trying to find actual facts; we can be lazy; we can be dishonest; and we can be insipid.  But we can also be daring; we can also be generous; we can also be patient; we can also be practical; we can laugh heartily and love deeply; and we can see each person as an individual not a part of any particular group, or race, or religion.  Whether Quaker or Baptist or Catholic or Jew or Muslim we can see God’s purpose in all people and create room for them to pursue the happiness they seek.

There is someone who believes in you!

Miss Constitution would remind you that there are nations of people who want the ideals and the statecraft that we have.  They want free speech on public issues or policy in the proper forum.  They can’t believe that the content of that speech is protected from government interference in America and not censored if delivered within the proper rules. They love the American version of capitalism with its moral component of service and charity and proportionality. They appreciate the protection of invention and creativity in Article I, section 8, of the United States Constitution.

Congress shall have power To . . . promote the Progress of Science and the useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries

They would die for an unlimited reach for excellence no tyrant can take from them. They are dumbfounded that so many Americans cannot seem to see what is right before their eyes and appreciate deeply the past sacrifices made for their future success.

Hong Kong sees it.  Hong Kong is a “someone” who believes in us. There are many others. Why is it, Miss Constitution wonders, that so many Americans cannot or will not see it themselves?

Copyright© M.E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution”