August 24, 2016 Illinois Policy Institute The Land of Lincoln’s job-killing policies are hurting minority communities increasingly hard, while black unemployment in pro-growth states remains significantly lower. Illinois has the highest black unemployment rate in the country at 15 percent, according...
Illinois Rising: The town that outsourced everything Hosts Pat Hughes and Dan Proft talk to the mayor of a Georgia town that successfully relies on the private sector for most of its services. They also break down Chicago Public Schools’ finances and discuss... Lauren FitzPatrick  Chicago Sun Times 8/24/2016 @bylaurenfitz One of the top good government groups in the city said Tuesday it couldn’t endorse Chicago Public Schools “overly optimistic” budget, while a key advocacy group for the disabled blasted the CPS budget for...
BILL CLINTON'S LOVING WIFE --- by DICK MORRIS If you happen to see the Bill Clinton five minute TV ad for Hillary in which he introduces the commercial by saying he wants to share some things we may not know...
  Posted on August 19, 2016 by Special To Personal Liberty Views: This piece, written by Cathy Reisenwitz, was originally published by the Foundation for Economic Education.     The Affordable Care Aact was supposed to guarantee that every American could afford health insurance....
Posted on August 19, 2016 by Becky Akers Principles are principal Anyone who follows the misadventures and machinations of Obummercare must chuckle at reports about it. Leftists inevitably praise the system as successful, however obvious its failures, while those on the...
Why the Republican Neo-Conservatives Really Support Hillary ADDTHIS SHARING BUTTONS 5061221 Blog/2016 U.S. Presidential Election Posted Aug 15, 2016 by Martin Armstrong QUESTION: Marty; It is clear that the Republican elite support Hillary over Trump and of course the press with every story is...
Illinois Comptroller Leslie Munger announced on Aug. 17 a “No Budget, No Pay” bill that would link the salaries of state lawmakers to one of their most important duties: passing a balanced budget. Under Munger’s proposal, Illinois lawmakers would need... American action News 8/18/2016 Weeks ago Barack Hussein Obama chastised the media for reporting that he may have made a spineless, totally pathetic decision to exchange 400 million dollars for American sailors captured and imprisoned by the Iranians. Now the man(?)...
By Steve Balich 8/16/2016 Hillary Clinton wants to allow more immigrants/ refugees than Obama! These people are voting for Democrats so they can continue to get free everything at the expense of the American Taxpayer while at the same time...