James Marter for U.S. Senate Wins Lottery!
He is #1 on Ballot for March 15th Primary
After successfully obtaining over 9,000 signatures from 162 circulators in 64 days the petitions were not challenged we just won the #1 position on the ballot through the Lottery held Wednesday in Springfield.
Senator Kirk hurls insults, James Marter responds:
Oswego, IL – December 11, 2015 – Senator Kirk hurled insults at workers at the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA) annual meeting in Chicago:
“The 2 million Poles that, you know, Poles just work all day long and don’t           ask for recess. … We’ve got to make sure that we sell that. There’s no absenteeism during huntin’ season for us, unlike the southern          jurisdictions. We sell the Illinois worker who is just going to work like        crazy.”
I am a tech industry businessman. I know manufacturing and am an avid outdoorsman. I also can read U.S. Census data, which say there are fewer than one million people of Polish ancestry in Illinois, not Kirk’s “2 million”.
My opponent, Senator Mark Kirk, gave us yet another example ─ in addition to his very liberal voting history in the Senate ─ why he is so out of touch with the people of Illinois. Aside from insulting my one quarter Polish ancestry, the Senator has also managed to insult just about everyone everywhere with these remarks at the manufacturer’s group meeting.
Apparently, Kirk has never met any hard working people of other ancestries. We are a state of people of all backgrounds. It is not one ethnic group that attracts manufacturers to come to Illinois. People of all races, ethnicities and cultures are valued in this state. Perhaps the Senator should spend more time here, so he can meet the people who keep Illinois thriving despite our “high costs and corruption…”:
It is unfortunate the senator felt comfortable mocking our fellow Americans and neighbors in the southern states. They, like many of my friends and family, who are avid outdoorsmen and women all over Illinois, happen to enjoy hunting a few weeks of the year in this highly regulated and taxed activity. Outdoorsmen and women are the primary conservators and protectors of our natural resources in Illinois. It is evident by Kirk’s many votes for gun restrictions that he isn’t familiar with those who like “huntin'”.
Being long gone from Illinois these last 15 years, inside the Beltway of Washington D.C., he has become so out of touch that he’s unaware of the dash to exit our State ─ both from the employers and one million Illinoisans leaving in the last two decades for freer pastures in other states. How utterly shameless it is for the senator to ask those manufacturers why they continue to operate in Illinois despite our reputation for high costs, oppressive unions and corruption ─ as if that is acceptable to him. The people of Illinois deserve better.
On the bright side this Christmas season, you now have a choice ─ a conservative candidate who is on the Republican ballot against the liberal Mark Kirk. I will be your gift who keeps on giving, pledged to represent the values and interests of basic Illinoisans all across our state!
If you are interested in learning more about the Marter campaign for U.S. Senate, please visit
You have a choice in March!
Thank you,
James Marter
If you believe Senator Kirk does not represent you, we ask that you support my campaign. Please contribute online or mail a check to:
James Marter for United States Senate
P.O. Box 271, Oswego, IL 60543