This is How Much the GOP Establishment and Donor Class Hate Ted Cruz

By  |  January 15, 2016, 09:47pm

I said the other day that the Establishment rather go all in with Trump than nominate Ted Cruz. They hate him. They think that Trump is an opportunist they can cut a deal with while Cruz is the true blue conservative.
And it is. They know it.
The Politico ran a story the other day that reported House Republicans fear Cruz would destroy down ballot races. Why? Because they took a poll on Donald Trump and it showed Donald Trump would destroy the GOP down ballot. Perversely, they read the poll to mean Cruz would be terrible for them.
Then there is this from National Review about the House Republican retreat with Paul Ryan where party leaders decided to embrace Trump to stop Cruz.

The member says he believes that, when it comes down to it, “almost all of the candidates would subscribe to” the conservative agenda [Paul Ryan] and the rest of leadership are hoping to advance. Except, that is, for Cruz.

The latest data comes from the Washington Post, which reports the donors are now embracing Trump because Ted Cruz would take their corporations off the government dole.

Spencer Zwick, the national finance chairman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, said power brokers and financiers are now trying to cozy up to Trump in various ways, such as reaching out through mutual friends in New York’s business community.
“A lot of donors are trying to figure their way into Trump’s orbit. There is a growing feeling among many that he may be the guy, so people are certainly seeing if they can find a home over there,” he said.

Likewise, “Eric Fehrnstrom, a former Romney adviser, said Trump remains in ‘total command of the field.’”
Got this? They think they can suck up to Trump, cut deals with him, and accommodate each other. They think if Cruz came in the status quo would get rocked and they could possibly find themselves shut out of power.
The Republican Establish is more afraid of losing power than they are saving the country and reducing government.