Candidate Comparison for Illinois U.S. Senate Primaries

IL Senate
The grid below shows a comparison of the candidates on a variety of immigration issues. The primary is on March 15. NumbersUSA does not endorse candidates.View the full grid here:
Our ratings rely on candidate responses to our immigration-reduction survey, past votes if they have previously held office, and statements they have made on campaign websites and in news reports.
Ratings based on the survey are indicated by the “Yes” and “No” icons. Other ratings are shown with colored circles.
Most candidates have said or done very little on immigration. We encourage you to contact candidates who you favor and urge them to complete our immigration-reduction survey. You can download a survey here.
NumbersUSA is strictly non-partisan, with no preference for one party, one candidate or another, but our comparison grids indicate which candidates would do the best job in reducing overall immigration numbers.
Candidates with a Grade Letter above their photo are either incumbents or previously served in Congress. You can learn more about the candidates’ positions by clicking on their name.
You can read full descriptions of each category on the grid by going to our website at: