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Do we want a country your 11 year old is not free to argue merits of his diet in the typical language of an 11 year old to his peers


This all started with Michelle Obama, go figure non elected wife of the worst President we had and will probably ever have. This is similar to the Universal Conductivity tax on phones pushed by Candidate Al Gore. Law by liberal consensus.
Comments by Ed Ronkowski   3/23/2016
The United States is increasingly divided up in two camps who have different visions for the future. One camp sees that essential freedoms and a way of governing follow the U.S. Constitution the way our founding fathers wanted that document to work. The other camp believes that big brother government knows what is best for people and that everything is subordinate to their goals. The latest example of the Big-Government-Can-Do-What-It-Wants came to light this week when the New Jersey thought police punishing an 11 year old for espousing a view that eating meat is good for you. Pursuant to New Jersey state law, the township school employs 10 Anti-Bullying Specialist which investigated the 11 year olds discussion of the medical benefits of a vegan diet and found him guilty of bullying and issued him lunch time detentions. An administrative Judge upheld the findings.

Do you really want to live in a country where your 11 year old is not free to argue the merits of his diet in the typical language of an 11 year old to his peers? As Ronald Reagan said, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” In actual fact, peer reviewed high quality randomized controlled trial studies that show causation found that simply avoiding animal foods do not confer health benefits but just the opposite.
Well Steve Balich and I would probably being doing life if we grew up in New Jersey Liberal’s Utopia no-speech-against-the-lastest-liberal fad. I didn’t believe this was true when I first read it. Here are the links:https://authoritynutrition.com/top-5-reasons-why-vegan-die…/

Student punished for criticizing vegetarian

An omelet stuffed with vegetables with basil, orange juice on a tray

An omelet stuffed with vegetables with basil, orange juice on a tray
I was noshing on a juicy cheeseburger on my lunch break the other day when I came across a fascinating story in the Washington Post written by Eugene Volokh.
The story involves a New Jersey sixth-grader who ran afoul of the state’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act after he poked fun at a vegetarian classmate. (For you folks on the professional barbecue circuit, a vegetarian is someone who abstains from pork butts.)
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“Vegetarians are idiots,” the youngster declared. “It’s not good not to eat meat.”
The 11-year-old, identified in court documents as C.C., went on to tell K.S. (the vegetarian) that “he should eat meat because he’d be smarter and have bigger brains.”
The vegetarian child reported the incident to officials at Lower Middle School in Montgomery Township.
At that point, the school’s anti-bullying specialist launched an investigation to determine if the meat-lover had “committed an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying.”
By the way – Montgomery Township employs ten anti-bullying specialists. Ten.
The school district’s investigation determined the youngster’s anti-vegetarian comments “were reasonably perceived as being motivated by a distinguishing characteristic between the two boys, namely vegetarianism, which substantially interfered with the rights of K.S. and had the effect of insulting or demeaning him.”
Instead of being forced to eat tofu or fermented soy, the child was slapped with five lunch time detentions.
Volokh, who also teaches free speech law at UCLA School of Law, weighed in – calling the punishment “modest.”
“Once the law calls such speech ‘harassment,’ ‘intimidation’ or ‘bullying’ in one area, it’s easy for these labels to be applied in other areas as well, especially because the labels are so ill-defined and potentially so broad,” he wrote.
The 2014 vegetarian smack down landed in the lap of an administrative judge after the local board of education affirmed the school’s findings.
On March 7, an administrative judge also upheld the local school’s handling of the matter.
This is what our nation’s public school system looks like, folks.
Are students no longer allowed to opine on the virtues of pork chops or chicken-fried steak?
Are those who dine on butter beans and rutabagas so feeble they can’t handle some good-natured ribbing?
And why does a school district need to employ 10 anti-bullying specialists? Do unkind comments made by an 11-year-old really rise to the level of an official investigation?
I will concede that vegetarians are not idiots. Perhaps unfortunate would be a better description.
But based on my reading of the events in New Jersey – the only idiots are the township’s anti-bullying specialists.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. His latest book is “God Less America: Real Stories From the Front Lines of the Attack on Traditional Values.” Follow Todd on Twitter@ToddStarnes and find him on Facebook.