Home 2016 Election Fricilone and Balich are effective Will County Board Members

Fricilone and Balich are effective Will County Board Members


Balich &Fricilone Will County Board District 7

Fundraiser for Fricilone & Balich Will County Board District 7

Balich &Fricilone  Will County Board District 7
Balich & Fricilone represent Homer, Lockport, and New Lenox on the Will County Board. Both are fiscal conservatives voting against every tax increase. Both believe in limited Government, and less regulations. They are there to benefit the people not the politicians.
They got a law restricting Will County Land use from using Aerial photos to initiate building code violations on the books as well as making it possible for you to get back your money for towing storage, and administration if you are found innocent in court. They got a cut in the property tax rate last year passed, and recommend a cut in the Tax rate again this year while building projects like the Court House, Sheriff’s Dept. and health Department are moving forward. The two worked with City of Lockport to open up Couger Road to 143rd. They were able to get raised barrier medians removed from 143rd street which will soon be 4 lanes.

Balich & Fricilone are effective member of the Will County Board.