Throughout the years, I’ve grown to know a number of Will County judges. There are 3 in particular that I ask you to vote “yes” for their retention. They are Raymond (Ray) Rossi, Barbara (Bobbi) Petrungaro and Michael Powers. All three received ratings of over 90% recommended approval from a recent Illinois State Bar Association and Will County Bar Association poll. Here are some other reasons why they should be retained:
Judge Rossi and I became friends through his community service. He was Chairperson of the statewide Authority to extend I-355, member of the Joliet Arsenal Development Authority, President of civic and youth sports organizations and Mayor of Frankfort for 12 years. As a judge, Ray has presided over 350 plus jury trials, civil and criminal, and many more bench trials. Judge Rossi has authorized legal articles and participated in seminars for the betterment of lawyers and judges throughout the state. Ray is married to Terri and they have 4 children.
Judge Bobbi Petrungaro was appointed an Associate Judge in 2005 and then elected as a Circuit Judge in 2010. She is the Presiding Judge of the Civil Division and hears the Arbitration call as well. Bobbi has taught Business Law at Lewis University since 1995. Judge Petrungaro has also been appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to serve on the Illinois Judicial Conference. She and her husband, Bob, have three sons and live in New Lenox.
Judge Mike Powers handles the civil settlement conferences and is a certified mediator. If that’s not enough, he also is the Civil Jury Motion judge. Mike’s been on the bench since 2004. He was presiding judge of the Misdemeanor Division for two years. As an attorney, Mike was an Assistant State’s Attorney for Will County, then worked in private practice defending doctors, hospitals, businesses and schools. He and his wife, Barbara and their three children live in Naperville.
VOTE YES to retain these Will County judges.
Steve Balich