Turning Point USA just had a historic weekend.  500+ conservative students from all across the country joined the TPUSA team in West Palm Beach, Florida for TPUSA’s second annual Activist Retreat.

Speakers included Donald Trump Jr., Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Ben Sasse, Congressman Thomas Massie, Congressman Ron DeSantis, James O’Keefe, Ben Shapiro, Tomi Lahren, Kimberly Corban, and many other talented leaders in our movement.

TPUSA offered trainings on how to refute leftist talking points, debate issues effectively, and know and understand the rights they have as activists on a college campus.

We prepared our leaders to win.
Students who attended this retreat left more prepared, equipped, and trained to win on their college campuses this spring and beyond.
This conference was one of the biggest gathering of young conservative activists in the country. I’m extremely grateful for our team who put this together, and our students who fearlessly fight for freedom and liberty every single day.
TPUSA would also like to extend a special thanks to the sponsoring partner organizations who helped make this event possible:

We just had an incredible conference, and we aren’t slowing down. Please consider a year-end tax-deductible gift to Turning Point USA.
Charlie Kirk