Home #Nationalism General Drops Bombshell About Obama

General Drops Bombshell About Obama


General Drops Bombshell About Obama as He Resigns! [Video]

These past 8 years have been such a tragedy with Obama as our Commander in Chief. It’s hard to imagine what it was like being a general or officer serving under Obama, knowing that all your years of service and knowledge meant nothing to him. He just ignored anything you had to say, especially if it didn’t support HIS narrative!
Could you imagine being a general, spending almost 39 years in the US Army and not ever being asked by the president for your input on ISIS? How insane is that?! The thought of knowing, that if Obama would have just spent 5 minutes talking with this great military leader, we might not have the crisis of ISIS on our hands. Instead, Obama went golfing, made budget cuts and continued to make military decisions that put our nation and soldiers at risk.



H/T Freedom Daily:
As top U.S. Army General Ray Odierno is about to resign he gives an exclusive interview with Fox News attributing Islamic State Terror groups rise to President Barack Obama’s premature withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq. Obama was all too quick to withdraw our troops from Iraq and in doing so has allowed for Islamic Terrorist groups to build up their strengths and become a bigger, more dangerous threat. Conservative Americans have been saying Obama’s to blame for terrorist groups running rampant for a long time, now we have top army General Ray Odierno proving our theory.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno served 29 years as a soldier and has spent 4 years in Iraq, more time than any other General. Odierno told Fox News on Wednesday that if President Obama would have allowed U.S. troops to remain in the region the military could have kept Iraq on a positive track.
“It’s frustrating to watch it,” Odierno said. “I go back to the work we did in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and we got it to a place that was really good. Violence was low, the economy was growing, politics looked like it was heading in the right direction.”
“I think it would have been good for us to stay,” while Odierno was still top commander in Iraq he recommended to Obama to leave 30,000-35,000 U.S. personnel in Iraq — a recommendation that Obama ignored. If Obama would have listened and Iraq’s government would have cooperated some say that the rise of ISIS may have been prevented.
“If we had stayed a little more engaged, I think maybe it might have been prevented,” Odierno told Fox News. “I’ve always believed the United States played the role of honest broker between all the groups and when we pulled ourselves out, we lost that role.”
The outgoing general says that the collapse of Iraq and the rise of the Islamic State group made lowered number of troops “a dangerous balancing act right now with capability.” “In my mind, we don’t have the ability to deter. The reason we have a military is to deter conflict and prevent wars. And if people believe we are not big enough to respond, they miscalculate,” Odierno said.
Here’s a clip of General Raymond Odierno:

Gen. Odierno – Thank you for serving our country for 39 years! Thank you for your leadership and support! God Bless You Sir!
Over his past 8 years in office, our Clown-in-Chief, President Obama has led from behind. Many other great leaders like Gen. Odierno retired and were forced out because they didn’t align with Obama’s narrative that “we were winning the war against ISIS”. What a tragedy!
With President Trump taking over the reigns in 2017, you can bet the US is going to be leading from the front again.  I believe President Trump will also bring nations together and help return America’s military to Reagan’s era and philosophy of “strength through peace”.  Trump’s America will return and retain our nation’s military strength against those nations who threaten our freedom and the freedom of our allies – like Israel!