Michelle Obama’s Decision Caused Everyone To Ask Some Big Questions
From the American Patriot April 5, 2017

The double standard with how they treat conservative women is obvious.
Michelle Obama made one decision that led to some important questions.
Recently, The Washington Post ran a profile about Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen.
Pence and his wife are Christians who live their faith.
The Post referenced a 2002 article which says that as part of their marriage, Pence does not dine alone with women other than his wife, nor does he attend social events where alcohol is served unless his wife is present.
Liberals freaked out.
The far-left site Vox ran an article claiming what Pence does is illegal.
They claim Pence’s practice would be illegal in the private sector.
Joanna L. Grossman wrote in a piece with the completely ridiculous headline “Vice President Pence’s “never dine alone with a woman” rule isn’t honorable. It’s probably illegal”:
“To be sure, a politician’s declining to dine alone with a woman does not fall in the same category as a law partner refusing to work with women (or at least musing about refusing to work with women). Nonetheless, the practice described by Pence in that 2002 interview is clearly illegal when practiced by a boss in an employment setting, and deeply damaging to women’s employment opportunities.
Title VII, which governs workplace discrimination, does not allow employers to treat people differently on the basis of certain protected characteristics, one of which is sex. This means that an employer cannot set the terms and conditions of employment differently for one gender than for the other. This includes any aspect of the relationship between employer and employees — extending to benefits like equal access to the employer.”
A former New York Times writer described their marriage as a “medieval vision.”
This is a medieval vision of every man as an incorrigible adulterer or rapist, lest he be restrained by his wife’s presence by his side.
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 29, 2017
The anti-Christian bigotry on display was appalling.
But the Pences’ adherence to Christian principles – and the mocking members of the liberal media heaped on their heads – stood in stark comparison to the Obamas.
Recently, Michelle took a vacation separate from Barack Obama.
The Daily Mail reported:
“Former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have left Palm Springs after a weekend break in the desert – with the ex-first lady bound for the Caribbean.
An eight-vehicle motorcade left the home of Spanish Ambassador James Costos and his partner Michael Smith, where the Obamas had been staying, around 10am and headed to a private terminal next to Palm Springs International Airport.
A Riverside County Sheriff’s Department vehicle blocked traffic in both directions on Highway 111 as the motorcade sped to the airport.
Once there former First Lady Michelle was seen boarding a private jet owned by Sir Richard Branson.
The aircraft was waiting on the tarmac next to the Signature Flight Support as the motorcade pulled in just before 11am.
It was later revealed to have filed a flight plan to the British Virgin Islands’ main airport. Branson’s private island of Necker is part of the Caribbean archipelago.”
The media did not psychoanalyze the Obamas’ decision.
Nor did they turn the guns of their Twitter snark on Michelle Obama for taking a vacation without her husband.
The media has two sets of rules: one for liberals and one for conservatives.