In just 48 hours Turning Point USA will be hosting the nation’s largest and most impactful Young Women’s Leadership Summit in the country!

Nearly 1000 young conservative women leaders from all over the country will be coming to Dallas, Texas to MAKE HISTORY. Attendees will hear from the best speakers in the movement and gain the confidence to become strong, conservative female leaders. Our activists are going to learn how to take the fight home and win on their campuses!
The left is desperately trying to play the gender card right now.
We are showing the world that young women DO NOT need government to succeed! We’re proving that freedom is better than free stuff and that young ladies are the future of our movement.
For $500 you can sponsor one of our many young conservative women still in need of a travel voucher!

Your sponsorship will go directly to changing the life of one of our activists! If you don’t believe me, listen to what some of our past attendees have said about the Young Women’s Leadership Summit:

“Turning Point USA conferences help me grow my political network, they inspire me to follow my passion for politics. I can honestly say that attending the Young Women’s Leadership Summit, my first TPUSA conference, was life changing.”
-Cameo Whitten, Oregon State University

“After the 2016 Young Women’s Leadership Summit, my passion for politics was ignited and led to a change in my future goals and career path. I can’t thank TPUSA enough for the exposure, influence, and change that I’ve been given.”
-Breann Bates, Lake Minneola High School
“The Young Women’s Leadership Summit changed my life, I can honestly say without it I would not be the same person I am today. The trainings and opportunities at YWLS are unparalleled, and I am forever thankful to Turning Point USA for the experiences they have provided me.”
-Dominique Blair, El Camino College Compton
Thanks to your support, we are on the brink of making history! No youth organization has ever done this before.

Thank you for your support of our movement.

Charlie Kirk
Founder & Executive Director
Turning Point USA