If you have ever wanted to say thank you to our heroes at their wedding, this is the one!!
Sergeant Kenneth Macejak, USMC is getting married on Saturday. This is a LARGE wedding party where at least 6 members are active soldiers, sailors or Marines.
Sgt. Macejak joined the U.S. Marines in 2009 and completed tours in Afghanistan, Japan and the Phillipines. We did at least one welcome home for Ken back in June of 2011. He is now in local Law Enforcement and is Junior Vice Commander of the Lockport VFW.
His two sisters, 3rd Class Petty Officer Olivia, and Lance Corporal Hannah arrived home last Saturday surprising each other in the airport. We had an escort planned for them which was stood down due to weather.

Olivia Macejak is an Aviation Structural Mechanic, 3rd Class Petty Officer, U.S. Navy, 2016 U.S.S. Carl Vincent. Tours include: Thailand, Singapore, South Korea – Home from first Deployment. Graduated with Associate Degrees, J.J.C.
Hannah Macejak is a Lcpl, U.S. Marines 2016. Hannah did the Fire Science Program while at L.T.H.S. and wants to become a Firefighter.
All three kids graduated from Lockport Township H.S. and attended the A.F.J.R.O.T.C. Program.
The wedding party has been asked to stop by the VFW on their way to the reception where we will be staged to surprise them. After that the plan is to load everybody up into two Army 5ton trucks and with local LEO and Fire, escort them a couple miles down the road to DiNolfo’s Banquets for their reception.
WHEN: Saturday, June 24, 2017 4:30 PM
WHERE: Lockport VFW, 1026 E 9th St, Lockport, IL 60441
Wedding Party Arrival: 5:15 PM
RC: Dave Skinner skinnerdavidm@yahoo.com 630-688-8804
If anyone can help with a flag line at DiNolfo’s it would be appreciated We will have a ladder truck with a large flag there for their arrival also.