Liberalism is a mental disorder: This isn’t the last bloodshed that’ll come from preying on weak minds

Donald Trump is a fascist– and he’s leading a party that works every day to make the poor poorer and the sick sicker. Off with their heads. They won’t admit it outright, but this is the not-so-dog-whistle messaging we’ve been hearing– and seeing– from the left wing of the American political sphere for months.
Leftist politicians and the Democratic Party leadership have placed big focus on courting voters separated from severe mental illness by clinical diagnoses alone. And while the Democrats like to pretend that their focus on fringe elements– the desperate, the sexually confused, the depraved, and the unwilling to accept personal responsibility in any form– is the caring thing to do, it’s simply an exercise in utilizing the useful idiots among us to maximum effect.
And, as we all saw on Wednesday, it’s a perilous wager.
James Hodgkinson, the sick bastard who opened fire on congressional Republicans as they practiced for a charity game of America’s pass time in Alexandria, Va., Wednesday, is not an anomaly. Like thousands of Americans, I found myself browsing his Facebook page shortly after he committed his heinous crime. A serious Bernie Sanders supporter, Hodgkinson belonged to element of our society who find themselves perpetually disenfranchised by a machine working against them.
I, of course, didn’t know him– but here are a few things I gathered about the psychopath as I read Facebook and a handful of news profiles.
He wasn’t a smart man. He owned a business that wasn’t doing so well. He followed politics– but he only accepted leftist truths. And for that reason, he held only a few strong beliefs about conservative Americans: They’re assholes. They’re racist and misogynist bigots. They care only about big business, guns and keeping immigrants at bay.
For Hodgkinson, President Donald Trump was the biggest asshole of them all.
“I Want to Say Mr. President, for being an asshole you are Truly the Biggest ASSHole We Have Ever Had in the Oval Office,” Hodgkinson said in one post buried between call-to-action petitions for leftist causes.
An indictment, sure. It was just like hundreds of others he’d made against various Republican leaders. Reasoned, fact-based and well thought out, not so much.
It bears noting again, the fella Capitol Police dispatched to hell on Wednesday wasn’t a smart man.
Unfortunately, the left is encouraging people like Hodgkinson to act out. They’re being told to fight– that the GOP government is against them. The only way their lives will improve, the Democrats say, is doing away with Republicans.
For too long, Americans have allowed to fester a coddling of the most weak-minded and weak-willed segments of our society. No longer do we accept that man’s earthly endeavors will forever unfold alongside an unending, and ultimately unwinnable, battle with nature.
We’ve allowed a lie to permeate our society and to become accepted as a universal truth. That is, that all of life’s problems are caused by outside factors– specifically, by people whose will to conquer nature as long as they physically can is stronger, and whose luck is better, than our own. There is no survival of the fittest, there is no luck. If you aren’t white and life isn’t going so well, a white person is keeping you down. If you’re a woman failing to reach personal goals, a man is pushing you around. If you’re a homosexual having a hard time, it’s because the breeders want to see you fail. It’s no longer even acceptable to blame biology if you believe you were born with the wrong parts and feel weird walking around– you’re simply the victim of mass misunderstanding of a scientifically un-provable physical malfunction.
Just last week, a man who felt like a woman shot up a Pennsylvania grocery store because a cartoon made him hate everyone and a lady goddess was guiding his hand. There’s no need to go into great detail retelling the story. It was a simple case of severe mental illness. The only important thing to note is that the day prior to the shooting, thanks to leftist policy, that mentally ill freak could have been featured in a viral post by any number of leftist outlets. Cartoon helps woman find peace with being born transgender, the applauding headline might say.
For a society to find itself in such a strange place requires an idyllic misremembering of the whole of human history. There’s never been a time since the dawn of man that human beings haven’t been tortured by a natural predisposition for vice, idleness, selfishness and all manner of other anti-social traits. But, until now, there never was a time when capitulation was the acceptable remedy.
Not a single person reading this can honestly say that they have at never had a perverse thought or acted in an uncivilized manner because of our inherent human weakness.
If you’re a religious person, you believe that a divine creator provided human beings a set of instructions that, when followed en masse, allow for societal harmony and eternal life. If you aren’t, you can at least admit that religious virtue did more good than harm throughout human history in terms of allowing humans to set aside primitive urges long enough to build great societies. No killing, No taking other people’s stuff. Don’t do things that hasten the spread of disease. Help yourself and, when possible, help those who are unable. You are who you are, deal with it, survive, move on, nature is trying to kill you.
No system is perfect. And often populations have found themselves gripped by zealotry, applying those ideals in a way that causes vast human suffering. That’s vice.
But a great society has never existed without first building on those virtues.
Today’s left has created a new religion, one that exists for no other reason than to tear down any of those remaining virtues in the interest of political power.
People don’t like hard work and self-control and we’re naturally inclined to look for the easiest and most pleasurable modes of survival. Those modes don’t lend well to success, they never have.
The politics of victimhood seeks support from those failing in life. Many of those people are not doing well because of self-control deficits. The problem is that there are also many Americans doing poorly because of severe mental disease.
Democratic messaging reaches both groups. Republicans are keeping you down. Big business is keeping you down. The president is keeping you down.
High-profile Democrats like Loretta Lynch, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, celebrities, and many in Congress talk about great fear and the need for resistance. Against the wealthy, against the successful, against the traditional. A “comedian” has a mock beheading of the president. Leftist politicians praise the destruction wrought by “anti-fascist” protesters.
They never provide an answer to the problems plaguing the people who can’t achieve in modern society. Inner-city communities under Democratic control only get worse, young “antifascists” in liberal cities only see their job prospects diminish. And the mentally ill, many of whom don’t understand the “why” behind their misery, only see targets.
The left claims that there’s a massive violent right-wing movement in the U.S. today. But the army of confused leftists is far more troubling. It’s not that right-wing extremism and mental illness doesn’t exist. But the right isn’t actively calling for violence and uprisings. The right isn’t preaching perpetual victimhood and hopelessness. The left argues that the right– even that President Trump– preaches hate. They argue that it will lead to violence against minorities.
But if you look at the headlines from the past couple of years, it isn’t the right that has grown increasingly unruly and unreasonable. And things are only going to get worse as the Democratic Party continues to push the myth that conservatives stole the presidential election.