Hurricane Maria
Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump received two briefings on hurricane recovery efforts in Puerto Rico and announced an amendment to the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands disaster declarations. These amendments will provide additional disaster assistance by authorizing additional federal funding for debris removal and emergency protective measures over the next 180 days. “Over the last several weeks our Nation has been tested by the destructive force of Mother Nature,” the President said in yesterday’s press conference, “but we will respond to it with an even mightier force: the resolve of the American spirit.” Those who have been affected can apply for assistance through FEMA here.
The President of Spain Visits the White House
President Trump welcomed President Mariano Rajoy Brey of Spain to the White House yesterday. Both leaders spoke about their strong relationship and their views on foreign policy issues. President Brey highlighted Spain’s current economic recovery and his country’s commitment to fighting terrorism. In a joint White House press conference held in the Rose Garden, President Trump called on the European Union and other nations to unanimously condemn the Maduro regime and impose sanctions on Venezuela.
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Access to High-Quality Coding and Computer Science Education
Senior Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump arrived at Detroit Design 139 in Detroit, Michigan on Tuesday to participate in an event highlighting a public and private-sector commitment promoting access to high-quality coding and computer science education programs in K-12 schools. “Computer science and coding are priorities for the administration as we think about pathways to jobs and alignment of education to in demand jobs in the modern economy,” she said.
President Donald J. Trump receives a briefing on Hurricane Maria relief and recovery efforts | September 26 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)
Today, President Trump will be traveling to Indiana to deliver remarks on the need for tax relief for the American economy. Watch live at 3PM EST. Vice President Pence will participate in tax reform meetings with conservative leaders.
On Thursday, the Vice President will be in Wisconsin and Michigan to meet with business leaders and families to discuss the need for tax reform. |