A Call For Freedom Receives Three Chicago Midwest Emmy Awards



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A Call For Freedom Receives Three Chicago Midwest Emmy Awards

Chicago – November 19, 2018  –

The powerful collaboration between NRBTV, TLN/FOUR:2 Media, and Moody Church Media on A CALL FOR FREEDOM garnered three Emmy® Award wins from the Chicago Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS).


A CALL FOR FREEDOM, a documentary shot in Germany and hosted by Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, focuses on the life and legacy of monk Martin Luther and how the Reformation still influences us today.

“Working alongside NRBTV and Moody Church Media could not have been more seamless. Their expertise and dedication, matched with the creativity and commitment of the FOUR:2 Media team, brought incredible life to this project, ” said Greg Bogdan, Executive Producer.


“It is an honor for our team to receive such recognition for this collaboration inspired during the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation,” stated Debbie Fraser, President of Total Living Network.


The TLN/FOUR:2 Media team received awards in the following categories:


Outstanding Achievement for Documentary Programs – Historical (Award to Producer)

A Call for Freedom: Greg Bogdan, Erwin Lutzer, Troy Miller, Executive Producers;

Joel Mains, Producer; Nicholas Alyinovich, Jeff De Vries, Pam Zelek, Associate Producers

Outstanding Crafts Achievement Off-Air: Editor – Program (Non-News)               

             Joel Mains – A Call for Freedom

Outstanding Crafts Achievement Off-Air – Lighting

Jeff De Vries – A Call for Freedom


A CALL FOR FREEDOM Producer/Director Joel Mains said, “When people experience the story of Martin Luther, they’re amazed at just how much the revolutionary call of this simple monk still directly impacts our lives and culture today.“


Lighting Director/Associate Producer Jeff De Vries shared, “It’s an honor to be recognized by our industry. The awards are humbling and encouraging. The project was very rewarding to work on even without the accolades. The Reformation is a difficult subject to tackle and make interesting and relevant for people today. Hopefully all who watch it are engaged and challenged to think about their own faith in God.”


As part of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the Chicago/Midwest Chapter is the standard bearer for excellence in the television broadcasting industry and the gatekeepers of the prestigious Emmy ® Awards in the Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin region. It is one of the largest and most senior local chapters in the nation, with a proud history of innovation and excellence in the field of broadcast television and beyond.


The 2018 Chicago/Midwest Emmy Ceremony was held on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.


FOUR:2 Media is the production division for Total Living Network (TLN). TLN is a lifestyle channel serving the greater Chicagoland region for over forty years.  TLN produces original programming serving the Chicagoland faith community and has received numerous Midwest Emmy awards over its history.


A CALL FOR FREEDOM will be rebroadcast on TLN on Thursday, November 22, 2018 at 8:00PM CST. You can also view the documentary in its entirety on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/P-l4mx0b6sY


TLN airs on Xfinity by Comcast covering most of Illinois and Northwest Indiana on basic cable channel 138. Through KTLN and KQSL, TLNWest covers the San Francisco Bay Area with broadcast, cable and satellite. Additionally, TLN can be viewed worldwide on multiple digital platforms including Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV and its live streams on TLN.com and TLNWest.TV.


To find out more, visit TLN.com.


Contact Information: Shirley Hill 630.801.3646