Home #globalism Pritzker Signs Executive Order To Assist Immigrants

Pritzker Signs Executive Order To Assist Immigrants

#twill #tcot #GOP #conservative #Trump
Steve Balich Conservative Activist

Steve Balich Editors note: There are 328 Million people in the U.S. and 12 million in Illinois. JB thinks the 1.8 million living in Illinois should be assisted with our tax dollars.

The definition of stupid is giving illegals things citizens don’t have and make the citizens pay for it.  We have plenty of American Citizens who need help and don’t get much if any. We have a middle class that is loosing jobs to illegals or working for depressed wages because of the supply of workers due to the illegals. We have Union companies competing with companies owned by illegals that work for far less money. We have catch and release for illegals but catch and arrest for citizens.

Wake up Illinois!!!!!!!!!  These people in control are now unchecked since the Republicans are so outvoted and not liked by the media. Illinois is headed to be the next California, or worse as people vote by moving to better places. Funny how ever Democrat controlled State is broke, and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Pritzker Signs Executive Order To Assist Immigrants


photo from his facebook page

The order requires the Illinois Department of Human Services to expand access to welcoming centers and let immigrants, refugees and those seeking asylum know about state programs and services available to them Governor Pritzker says Illinois needs to support immigrant families.

Illinois is home to one point eight million immigrants and one in six Illinois workers is an immigrant