Steve Balich Editors note: Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Globalism or “New World Order” needs to destroy what is good in the culture, morals, ethics, critical thinking to attain the goal of total control. People need to give up their sovereignty in the name of being a slave to an unknown power. This is happening all the time already. You can loose your job for a social media post that is not politically correct. A business owner is forced to give up rights in favor of political correctness. Media depicts a new morality which is far removed from the tradition that mad our country great. Men can claim they affiliate as a women and compete in sports as a women. Children are alowed to seemingly have more rights on what happens to them than the parent who is responsible for not only properly raising their children but paying the bills.
Everything seems upside down and turned inside out. Don’t dare to say something deemed hurtful by what standard or law. No questions on who makes the decision what is politically correct allowed.
So the Federal Reserve which is privately owned by 12 Banks with only 1 left in the U.S. (Read Creature from Deckle Island) Looks to harm any country including ours where is the surprise?
By Brandon Smith
Central bankers are sociopathic in nature and sociopathic people behave like robots. When one understands the motivations of central bankers, or at the very least what their goals are, their actions become rather predictable. The question is, what truly motivates these people?
I believe according to the evidence that the central banks are motivated by ideological zealotry, with the core purpose of total global centralization of economic and political power into the hands of a select group of elitists. This agenda is really just a modern “reboot” of feudalism or totalitarianism. They sometimes refer to the plan in public as the “new world order,” or the “global economic reset.” I often refer to the encompassing ideology as “globalism” for the sake of expediency. To attain this goal, central bankers must influence mass psychology using traumatic events. Fear opens doors to centralization of power. This is simply a societal fact. The more afraid a population is, the more willing they will be to give up freedoms in exchange for safety and security. Therefore, the most effective weapon at the disposal of the globalists and their central banking counterparts is engineered economic crisis — a weapon that can, if allowed, destroy entire civilizations almost as fast as a nuclear war, while still keeping most of the expensive infrastructure intact. Beyond that, economic crisis is also a weapon that can influence a population to embrace even greater enslavement and see their slave masters as saviors rather than villains. Central bankers are not driven by desire for profit, despite the assumptions of many people. They print their own capital, they hardly need to make a profit. Central bankers are also not driven by a desire to keep the current system afloat. They have demonstrated time and time again their habit of deliberately sabotaging the system through the use of inflationary bubbles followed by fiscal tightening into weak economic conditions. The U.S. economy is just as expendable as any other economy the banks have destroyed in the past. It is not special. This fact is becoming extremely clear today, as the Federal Reserve initiates policy tightening measures which are crashing stock markets as well as destabilizing other sectors of the economy including housing markets, auto markets and credit markets. As noted, this was highly predictable. In September of 2015 I published an article titled ‘The Real Reasons Why The Fed Will Hike Interest Rates‘, predicting that the strategy the banks would use to bring about the next crisis would be interest rate hikes into economic weakness. This was the same strategy they used to initiate the Great Depression. And as mentioned earlier, sociopaths act like robots — they tend to use similar tactics over and over again because they have worked in the past. At the time, the vast majority of analysts were predicting that the central banks would move towards negative interest rates. But if the goal of the banking elites is total centralization of the global economy, then keeping the U.S. system alive for another decade or longer makes little sense. They had already created the perfect financial bubble using QE and near zero interest rates to encourage debt accumulation at historic levels. It’s a veritable economic atomic bomb, why not use it? At the beginning of this year, I published an article titled ‘New Fed Chairman Will Trigger A Historic Stock Market Crash In 2018‘. In that article, I predicted that Jerome Powell would push forward with interest rate hikes and balance sheet cuts. This would put too much pressure on highly indebted corporations and they would be forced to stop spending capital on stock buybacks, which have been propping up equities for several years. I would point out that not only has Powell in fact done exactly what I predicted, but that he has done it consciously, knowing what the results would be. In 2012, Powell outlined the exact consequences of policy tightening in the Fed October minutes. These minutes were not made public until recently. They prove that the Fed is fully aware of what it is doing, not acting blindly. In September of this year, in my article ‘The Everything Bubble: When Will It Finally Crash?‘, I predicted that stock markets would begin crashing in December of 2018, despite many skeptics arguing that a “Santa Claus rally” was guaranteed. From the article:
Though stock buybacks had saved markets from the plunge in February, they are long gone in the final quarter as the cost of corporate debt expands. Stocks are now in near free fall in December. The crash of the “everything bubble” has begun. I was able to predict this outcome because I am willing as an analyst to accept certain realities. The most important being that at this stage the Fed does not care about propping up the U.S. economy, and ultimately, the Fed does not even care what happens to itself as an institution. The truth is that the Fed is working towards an ideological end game of global centralization; this means one economy, one currency and eventually one world government. It has no loyalty to the U.S. system, and it will destroy the U.S. system if it must to achieve this prize. Far too many people wrongly assume that the Fed is the apex of globalist power. The Fed is nothing more than a single tentacle of a greater vampire squid. It is the branch of a franchise, not the top of the pyramid. I would liken the Fed to a saboteur and a suicide bomber. It was sent here to America with the explicit goal of undermining the U.S. economy and the U.S. currency over the period of a century in preparation for a final destructive act which would open the path to global centralization. It was sent here in disguise, to get close to the target, to explode our economy. Its job is to do as much damage as possible, even to the point of sacrificing itself. When the dust settles, other globalist institutions plan to move in to pick up the pieces and offer the desperate citizenry a pre-designed solution. At this time, ending the Fed is still necessary as a symbolic act, but strategically it would be useless in saving the economy. The Fed has already accomplished its mission. Our focus now must be to determine who rebuilds the system after the crash runs its course. This means preventing global central bank hubs like the IMF or the BIS from becoming the dominant economic force in the world. It means a long and arduous struggle. It means defiant structures — localized economies and production, self reliant people providing their own necessities and engaging in trade, and communities formed around mutual aid and security. It means a fight is coming that goes beyond the information war. |