House Dems move to make raising taxes easier

Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives this week have already proposed a change in rules to make it far easier to raise taxes.
The rule change, according to an analysis from Americans for Tax Reform, would end Republican requirement for a super majority of support raising taxes to just a simple majority.
Under such a change, Democrats could raise taxes on their own and in an unrecorded voice vote, according to the group headed by taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist.

Democrats are proposing to abolish this rule.
Under the new Democrat house, Congress will be able to raise taxes by a simple majority voice vote, a change that will make it vastly easier for Democrats to raise taxes.
The anti-tax group said it paves the way to reverse tax cuts under Republicans and President Trump, though the GOP-controlled Senate is unlikely to consider any House tax hike and Trump has pledged to cut taxes.
The group said that corporate tax cuts are also at risk and that it has created a website to fight for the job-creating tax reductions, Defend21.org.