Will County Judicial Committee Meeting April 2, 2019
Discussion of a Resolution in Support of the Second Amendment Failed to move to the Full County Board for a vote.
Rachel Ventura D Lockport/ Joliet, Mimi Cowan D Frankfort, Tyler Markum D Joliet, and Tom Weigel R New Lenox/Mokena all voted no, to an affirmation of the Oath of Office, as they swore to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America.
Golria Dollinger, R Joliet, and Herb Brooks D Joliet who are on the finance committee left to go to that meeting. Tim Kraulidis R Plainfield was not present. That left 4 people to deny moving this Resolution forward for a full vote of 26 County Board Members. 4 members is Just 15% of the full Board.
Numerous people spoke to the issue pro and con, with the vast majority in favor of the Resolution. The current President of the ISRA Doug Mayhal, County Board Member Don Moran D Romeoville/Bolingbrook, County Board Member Judy Ogala R Crete/Monee, Matt Quigley, Republican Candidate for the 14th Congressional Dist. Tom Mc Cullah Candidate for JJC. and Ed Ronkowski attorney were in favor the Resolution. County Board members not on the committee speaking against the Resolution were Democrats, Laurie Summers, and Amanda Koch.
Steve Balich who wrote the Resolution asked that it go to the full Board for a vote. Hard to understand how a committee with 4 of 7 people present to vote, could stop such an important issue from moving for a vote of the full County Board.
Balich made it clear this was a vote affirming the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which everyone on the Will County Board took an Oath to serve and protect. Sadly most of the Democrats on the Board and Tom Weigel seem to choose not to affirm their support for the Second Amendment. Weigel, tried to amend the Resolution striking everything after “Resolution Supporting the second amendment in the opening paragraph”. No one would second it so it failed.

Here is the Resolution:
Resolution Supporting the second Amendment and opposing Illinois General Assembly and or any local government attempts to restrict the individual right of U.S. Citizens as protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. constitution.
Whereas, the right of the people to keep and bear arms for defense of Life, Liberty, and Property is regarded as an Inalienable Right by the people of Will County, and;
Whereas, the people of Will County derive economic benefit from all safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting, and shooting conducted in Will County using all sorts of firearms allowable under the U.S. Constitution and;
Whereas, legislation at the County, State, and Local level, creating economic hardship on lawfully owned and operated, small business firearm dealerships, may in effect force them to close, or create undue burdens and price increases on persons lawfully purchasing firearms putting a negative impact on local economies thru job loss and sales tax loss and;
Whereas, Will County being the 3rd County to pass a Resolution in favor the State of Illinois concealed carry was necessary, and the State soon after passed concealed carry legislation and;
Whereas, The U.S. Constitution 2nd Amendment states” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed and;
Whereas, The Illinois Constitution Section 1 Article 7 States “ The State militia consists of all able-bodied persons residing in the State except those exempted by law and ;
Where as, Those Elected to public office took an Oath to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois and;;
Therefore, be Resolved that, Will County understands the Second Amendment is our Constitutional right, and this Resolution is in keeping with the current standards of law and opposes any infringement on rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.