Home #FakeNews Liberals want to end Rush Limbaugh from radio

Liberals want to end Rush Limbaugh from radio


Steve Balich Editors Note: A small group of people using multiple proxy accounts gave the precipitation that there were millions of people ready to boycott the advertisers.


“The operation — at least initially — was a Media Matters astroturfed assault on Limbaugh’s advertiser base, based on a pre-existing plan by Angelo Carusone, then Director of Online Strategy for Media Matters (and now President). Supposedly independent groups coordinated their efforts with Media Matters, and then tried to cover it up.

Nonetheless, a small cadre of operatives, who often used multiple proxy accounts to multiply their effect, continued to plug away at harassing Limbaugh advertisers over a variety of issues. That eventually led Limbaugh, through a spokesman, to push back”

Rush Limbaugh Just Got Some Very Bad News That Could Mean The End Of His Show

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Democrats mean business.

They have targeted every Trump supporter in the media for destruction.

And Rush Limbaugh just got some very bad news that could spell his doom.

Liberals have settled on advertiser boycotts as their preferred method in silencing conservative media figures.

CNN led a successful advertiser boycott against Bill O’Reilly—which played a big role in Fox News eventually firing the top-rated news host.

After tasting success with O’Reilly, liberal activists moved on to other pro-Trump hosts.

Laura Ingraham became one of their top targets.

Ingraham is a strong voice for secure borders and calling out pro-amnesty politicians for fighting against the economic interests of American workers.

Once she became a successful Fox News prime-time host, the left kicked their campaign to silence her into high gear.

Gun-grabbing activist David Hogg led a sponsor boycott against Ingraham after she mocked him for getting rejected by every college he applied to.

Ingraham survived because Fox News refused to allow ideological bullies to dictate their prime-time schedule.

But leftists continued to target her radio program.

And Ingraham recently announced she was ending her daily radio show in favor of moving to an online podcast format.

“While hosting a prime-time television show and raising three children on my own, continuing a three-hour morning radio show was no longer feasible,” Ingraham stated.

“Although I will greatly miss my radio listeners and affiliates, working late nights and early mornings has taken a toll on my family life. Plus, my radio audience is smart, savvy and committed, and I know most will follow my new show in the format that is revolutionizing the audio world — digital podcasting,” Ingraham continued.

Liberals cheered.

The left-wing website, The Daily Kos, claimed Ingraham ended her show because of an ongoing sponsor boycott.

“The world will be a better place in 2019, if for no other reason than Laura Ingraham has lost one of her platforms for hatemongering, her radio show previously syndicated by Courtside Entertainment Group, due to loss of advertising revenue,” the website claimed.

Liberals – believing they successfully claimed Ingraham’s scalp – will only move up on the food chain of conservative talk show hosts.

And they already have one top target in mind.

That is Rush Limbaugh.

Liberals tried to kick Limbaugh off the air through a sponsor boycott in 2012.

Limbaugh had ignited a liberal outrage mob after he joked about liberal activist Sandra Fluke demanding Georgetown University pay for her birth control.

The top-rated talk show host apologized for his comments, but liberals used his remarks as evidence that Republicans were waging a “war on women” and targeted his advertisers.

Limbaugh survived, but not before losing multiple sponsors.

Cumulus – the network that syndicated Limbaugh’s show – dropped his program.

Many believe that was a result of the advertiser boycott.

He was soon picked up by Premiere Networks, but many conservatives believe the left may now realize they didn’t push hard enough to force him off the air in 2012.

And because of the case with Ingraham, liberals now have a template in place to drive conservatives off the airwaves completely.

Expect them to put this playbook in motion against Rush Limbaugh.

We will keep you up to date on any new developments in this ongoing story.