When the establishment media promotes anything, they have a well-planned reason. They are trying to sell you something. In polite society it is called public information. More savvy people call it psychological warfare. Psychological warfare persuades the people to accept something and embrace it against their best interest and in fact to their detriment.

Needless to say, I am suspicious of the medical establishment and the anointed media who promote their “cures.” Whom can we trust? My rule is to believe just the opposite of whatever is promoted by the medical press in America. There is no medical freedom. Even in alternative medicine, one has to have the wisdom of Solomon to sort it out.

Remember that psychological warfare either carries an element of truth to make the whole package palatable, or an element of cognitive dissonance to keep people from thinking too hard about something. Conventional wisdom is an example of both. It states there is no cure for the common cold because the virus keeps changing, therefore the pharmaceuticals can’t develop a vaccine to prevent it. Yet we are supposed to get a flu shot every year… because… the virus keeps changing…


Nothing to see there, I’m sure.

One reason there is so much deception and misinformation is that Americans trust authority or anything perceived to be authority. We are taught well not to take responsibility for our own health. “See your doctor!”

And where does the doctor send you? Straight to the pharmacy, my dear reader. Where they give out free flu shots. Oh, and where they also try and sell you something… over the counter cold remedies that either don’t work or have a drug effect that hides symptoms of a cold.

Let nature take over

The whole concept of therapy with natural remedies and preventatives is to get a physiological effect on the root cause of an ailment. A physiological effect is the re-establishment of biochemistry or chemical balance. On the other hand, orthodox medicine seeks a drug effect. Drug effects is the isolation of a side effect that most nearly masks the problem. The risk is “side effects” and further imbalancing body chemistry.

I strongly suspect that many people live their lives with subclinical infections of viruses as evidenced by continuous fatigue and repeated colds.

Nature has provided us with a simple remedy that we have abandoned with our modern lifestyle of living most of our lives indoors. I’m talking about the humble houseplant.

House plants serve to not only decorate your home, they can also help your mood, help you sleep and clean the air of pollutants. Research from NASA, whose astronauts spend years in enclosed environments, tells us there are the best ones to have in your home:

  1. Areca Palm: The Madagascan areca palm leads the way in efficiency at ‘mopping up’ pollutants. Researchers say that the palm is brilliant for anyone prone to colds and sinus problems because it releases moisture into the air. This, in turn, makes it much easier to breathe so will help you nod off quicker.
  2. Aloe Vera: Easy to keep and aesthetically pleasing in any home, the aloe vera plant has been named as one of the best plants for air purification by NASA. Why? It releases oxygen continuously throughout the night, making it an ideal bedroom addition. It also fights benzene (which is found in detergents and plastics) and formaldehyde (in varnishes and floor finishes) so helps keep the air super pure. Its juice also provides health benefits when taken internally and as an inflammatory on sunburns and abrasions.
  3. English Ivy: More commonly associated with Christmas, the ivy that grows up your house is actually perfect for your bedroom. Researchers at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology found that English ivy in particular removes 78 percent of airborne mold in just 12 hours.
  4. Dwarf date palm: This plant is hardy, drought-tolerant and long-lived and it’s brilliant at removing indoor air pollutants — especially xylene.
  5. Boston fern: This attractive plant has graced indoor landscapes since Victorian times — and for good reason. The plant ranks ninth in NASA’s list of 50 air-purifying plants, being particularly adept at removing formaldehyde.
  6. Chinese evergreen: This has been dubbed the easiest houseplant because it grows well in low light and areas of the home where other plants won’t grow (like a dark bedroom). The best part about it is that it removes more toxins as time and exposure continues.
  7. Peace lily: This beautiful plant can cleanse air and improve it by 60 percent. It also absorbs mold spores through its leaves and circulates them to its roots to use as food.
  8. Spider plant: This houseplant grows super quickly and can remove up to 90 percent of the toxins from the air in your bedroom in just two days. It’s especially great for people with dust allergies.
  9. Lady palm: This houseplant is one of the most effective plants at cleansing the air of formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene and toluene.
  10. Weeping fig: This houseplant is the best at beating pollutants that are emitted from carpeting and furniture such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.