Last night, I launched my campaign for Congress in Illinois’ 6th District!

I was so proud of my son, Andrew, who got up on stage and told the audience that he wants “his mom to have a voice in government,” because he doesn’t trust DC politicians who are making the decisions that will shape his future.


That’s exactly why I am running: for my kids and your kids. 


In 2020, we will have to answer a big question: Are our freedoms and free enterprise system the problem or the path forward?


Incumbent Democrat Sean Casten thinks you are the problem.


Casten shares the extreme rhetoric – as well as the extreme-left positions – of Socialists from San Francisco to the Bronx.


According to Pro Publica, Casten votes in lockstep with his Socialist colleagues 98%+ of the time.


Casten doesn’t trust you to make decisions about your health insurance or how to spend the money you earn – and you don’t get to keep either if Casten gets his way.


Casten believes, as New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said: “There’s plenty of money in this country, it’s just in the wrong hands.”


The “wrong hands” according to Casten & Company are your hands.


Casten seeks only to make America bitter. 


I am running to make it better. 


When families in our community are presented with our vision of opportunity and choice versus the Socialist agenda Casten seeks to impose, I know we will win. 


But I need your help to get our message out so people understand the stark choice before them. 


Please make a contribution of ANY amount – $5, $25, $100, $250, $500 – and together, we will ensure that Casten & Company will no more write America’s future than they will rewrite Her past.   


With gratitude, 

Jeanne Ives

Republican Candidate for Congress (IL-6)