Home Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs 129 bills, vetoes 3

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs 129 bills, vetoes 3


Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs 129 bills, vetoes three

FILE - IL Gov. J.B. Pritzker
Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker takes in the applause before signing a bill at Sankofa Cultural Arts and Business Center in Chicago on June 25, 2019.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed scores of bills into law Friday and used his veto pen on three other measures.

One of the measures Pritzker vetoed was House Bill 3222, which would have instructed the Illinois Medical District Commission to execute a quitclaim deed on property it owns, essentially handing it over to Urban Autism Solutions, a nonprofit organization, free of charge.

“Urban Autism Solutions does important and valuable work and my administration is strongly committed to working with this and the other worthy nonprofits located in the Illinois Medical District to support their viability to continue their work,” Pritzker wrote in his veto message. “However, transferring public property with significant fair market value at no cost to a single private foundation – no matter how worthy – is unfair to other nonprofit organizations located in the Illinois Medical District who were not offered a similar deal and continue to pay rent for use of Illinois Medical District property.”

He partially vetoed the bill, striking that language.

The governor vetoed another bill because he said it would be redundant with already enacted legislation as well as a total veto of Senate Bill 2128, a bill said to affect court reporting, which he said would have caused “unintended consequences on existing and established court procedures.”

Among the 129 bills enacted was House Bill 254, which requires the Illinois State Board of Education to keep records on “actively employed teachers within each school district, pupil-teacher ratios for each school district, class instructors by grade level and subject in each school district, and class size in each school.”

He signed House Bill 2076, a ban of thermal paper containing BPA, an industrial chemical found in many consumer products, in Illinois beginning on Jan. 1, 2020. Thermal paper is commonly used in receipts.

House Bill 2276, signed into law Friday and effective immediately, imposes fines for people caught smoking in a car with one or more minors present.

House Bill 2383, named Mason’s Law after an Iroquois County man killed in a right-of-way accident, requires a 12-month suspension of driving privileges if a motorist violates right-of-way at crosswalks and in school zones.

Full list of laws Pritzker acted on Friday: 

Bill Number: HB 2

Description: Adds pregnancy and childbirth rights to the Medical Patient Rights Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3

Description: Requires hospitals to report each instance of preterm birth, infant mortality and maternal mortality by racial and ethnic group in their quarterly report.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 5

Description: Enhances mental and physical health services for pregnant and postpartum women and requires the Department of Public Health to establish a classification system for certain levels of maternal care.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 26

Description: Establishes a uniform admission system pilot program at Northern Illinois University, Eastern Illinois University, Western Illinois University and Southern Illinois University.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 210

Description: Creates the Tamms Minimum Security Unit Task Force to study using the Tamms Minimum Security Unit as a vocational training facility for the Department of Corrections. The task force will submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2020 with its recommendations.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 247

Description: Requires third-party driver education teachers to meet the educator licensure and endorsement requirements under the School Code and to follow the same evaluation and observation requirements that apply to non-tenured teachers.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 254

Description: Increases transparency on class sizes at schools across the state.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 833

Description: Allows Cook County to have a multi-year senior citizen homestead exemption.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 925

Description: Amends the Mobile Home Park Act to help the Department of Public Health regulate mobile home parks.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 1561

Description: Directs school districts to develop a threat assessment team and allows counties to expand their School Facility Occupation Tax to support safety and mental health efforts.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 1639

Description: Amends the Illinois Insurance Code in an Article concerning accident and health insurance.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2076

Description: Bans the use of BPA – an industrial chemical found in many consumer products – in Illinois beginning on January 1, 2020.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2121

Description: Expands eligibility for people to obtain a school bus driver permit.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2124

Description: Extends the current exception related to personnel matters involving individual employees to also cover individual volunteers or individual independent contractors who serve in a park, recreational or education setting such as a coach or instructor.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2134

Description: Ensures state law conforms with a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Illinois law enforcement agencies must seek a warrant or court order before obtaining current, future or historical cell site location information.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2154

Description: Streamlines eligibility, promotes family engagement and enables early treatment for children and young adults with high mental health needs.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2156

Description: Bans companies from issuing rebate cards that charge consumers dormancy fees or other post-issuance fees.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2160

Description: Streamlines the prior approval process for insurance companies and Medicaid MCOs to assist pharmacists to more quickly fill prescriptions.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2165

Description: Provides high schools greater flexibility on the math courses offered to students.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2176

Description: Establishes transparency of the lawful services a notary public can provide and establishes stricter penalties for those in violation.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2237

Description: Authorizes the State Treasurer to establish a Higher Education Savings Program for children born or adopted after December 31, 2020.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020

Bill Number: HB 2243

Description: Changes certifications required for township and multi-township assessors and supervisors of assessments.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2276

Description: Prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle with a minor present, making it a petty offense punishable by a fine up to $100 for a first offense and a fine up to $250 for a second or subsequent offense.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2304

Description: Creates the Training in the Building Trades Program within the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2383

Description: Requires a 12-month suspension of driving privileges if a motorist violates right-of-way at crosswalks and in school zones – named Mason’s Law.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2020

Bill Number: HB 2444

Description: Provides guidance to the court about factors to consider when determining the effects of imprisonment on a defendant’s children.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2459

Description: Extends the sunset of the Out-of-State Person Subject to Involuntary Admission on an Inpatient Basis Mental Health Treatment Act

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2460

Description: Encourages all public funds to have a sustainable investment policy.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2502

Description: Allows a downstate firefighter to transfer service credit from the Chicago firefighters pension fund.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2528

Description: Allows a person to use a county clerk’s address as their business address if they believe publishing their home address would threaten their safety.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2583

Description: Allows a petition to expand a conservancy district to include a new name for the expanded district.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2625

Description: Allows the Cook County judicial sub-circuit boundaries after the 2020 Census to be redrawn to ensure minority representation on the bench.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2627

Description: Requires schools to notify and include a parent or guardian when law enforcement questions a student on school grounds.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2639

Description: Extends sunset of the design build portion of the Public Buildings Commission Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2649

Description: Creates the Children of Incarcerated Parents Task Force, which will present recommendations to the General Assembly and Governor by December 31, 2019.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2669

Description: Eliminates the requirement that certain self-propelled sprayers and farm fertilizer wagons be registered.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2675

Description: Provides craft distillers with parity with the craft brewers.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2700

Description: Allows the Teachers’ Retirement Insurance Program billing errors to be refunded for up to seven years of past payments.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2737

Description: Adds soil health practices to the list of resources that soil and water conservation districts can provide for farmers.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2823

Description: Allows the RTA to issue, sell and deliver additional working cash notes and establish lines of credit, and allows the State Treasurer to certify to the State Comptroller the amounts of the defaulted interim financing note.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 2830

Description: Requires employers to provide an employee leave in order to attend a behavioral or academic meeting at their child’s school.

Action: Signed

Effective: August 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2836

Description: Authorizes the State Treasurer’s office to purchase or acquire office space in the City of Springfield during FY 2019 or 2020 rather than leasing such office space, in order to achieve cost savings over time.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2846

Description: Requires health insurance coverage for treatments for pediatric autoimmune, neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections, acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy plans administered after July 2017.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2854

Description: Creates a hiring preference of up to 20 points for a person who served as a firefighter apprentice.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2856

Description: Modernizes Illinois’ vehicle title system by creating a more secure and efficient statewide vehicle titling system and eliminating the current cumbersome paper system.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 2860

Description: Makes various technical changes to the Entity Omnibus Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2019


Bill Number: HB 2884

Description: Allows IMRF employees to receive credit for unused sick time if they were employed by a school district or K-12 special district.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 2943

Description: Ensures that funds required by statute to operate IEPA’s vehicle inspection service are guaranteed in the MFT distribution.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 2992

Description: Promotes information sharing between the Secretary of State and Illinois Commerce Commission.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3018

Description: Increases food allergy awareness in restaurants.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3061

Description: Replicates language that has already become law in PA 101-0176, signed 7/31/2019.

Action: Veto

Bill Number: HB 3065

Description: Strengthens the Adult Protective Services Act to prevent elder abuse.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3084

Description: Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to evaluate its constituent services.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3086

Description: Expands the Emotional Intelligence and Social and Emotional Learning Task Force to address the needs of students with anger management issues and recommend sources of funding to support social and emotional learning.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3101

Description: Creates and requires participation in human trafficking training for hotel and motel employees.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3113

Description: Requires health insurance coverage for an annual office visit including a skin cancer examination at no cost to the patient.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3196

Description: Establishes a new Immigration Task Force to identify opportunities to make Illinois a more welcoming state.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3213

Description: Makes technical changes to codify current practice of the Teachers’ Retirement Systems.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3222

Description: Authorizes transfers of state-owned land.

Action: Amendatory Veto

Note: See attached amendatory veto message.


Bill Number: HB 3237

Description: Establishes criteria for high school students to demonstrate English language proficiency in order to earn a State Seal of Biliteracy.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3263

Description: Increases information on municipalities and pension documents available on the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund website.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3269

Description: Makes various changes to dealer licensing at the Illinois Secretary of State.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020

Bill Number: HB 3299

Description: Provides sex education to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020

Bill Number: HB 3302

Description: Requires Chicago Public Schools to notify parents or guardians of students who were denied or received delayed special education services about the relief that may be available for them through the state.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3396

Description: Requires more rapid response by the courts and law enforcement in issuing of stalking, domestic violence and civil no contact orders.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3405

Description: Clarifies that tips are the property of employees and clarifies that the Illinois Department of Labor has the ability to enforce its wage decisions in circuit court.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3440

Description: Allow customers to use personal containers to fill or refill bulk food in a retail setting, and prevents local health departments from prohibiting this action.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3509

Description: Requires health insurance coverage for donated breast milk if prescribed by a patient’s health care provider.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3511

Description: Improves maternal mental health conditions education, early diagnosis and treatment.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3534

Description: Adds a non-binary gender designation for driver’s licenses and state IDs when the Secretary of State next implements a new card issuance system.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3575

Description: Regulates the use of blockchain technology in the state of Illinois.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3586

Description: Supports children who are eligible for special education services by increasing transparency and establishing new processes for school districts to support children and their parents or guardians.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2019


Bill Number: HB 3606

Description: Establishes new protections for students’ personally identifiable information.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2021


Bill Number: HB 3610

Description: Allows brew pubs to aggregate their overall production and reallocate those amounts as they wish.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3671

Description: Creates a process for landlords to deal with requests for service and assistance animals.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: HB 3676

Description: Makes various changes to the township code relating to the attestation of funds.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3677

Description: Allows for a right of first refusal of heirs of property upon a forced sale.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: HB 3687

Description: Requires state’s attorneys to notify a school district when an employee is arrested for a sex offense.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 37

Description: Requires reporting of firefighters’ injuries and compensation by secondary employers to primary employers.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 100

Description: Requires trustees for the Fox Metro Water Reclamation District be elected at consolidated elections and outlines requirements concerning the number of trustees to be elected and length of terms.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 104

Description: Quickens payments from contractors to suppliers and subcontractors on state projects, increasing cash flow for small businesses.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 111

Description: Raises the age limit from 19 to 26 for health insurance to cover anesthetics provided with dental care to individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or developmental disability.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 147

Description: Provides financial protection for child performers by requiring a trust account.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 193

Description: Establishes a new procedure for the Department of Children and Family Services to review reports.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 218

Description: Amends the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 to include all forms of sexual abuse and child exploitation as reasons for termination of parental rights under Illinois law.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 220

Description: Adds a new training requirement for newly appointed commissioners to the Illinois Human Rights Commission.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 456

Description: Establishes new policies to address and prevent sexual abuse in schools.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 527

Description: Extends the sunset, adjusts the compensation formula of state-owned property in Will County to reflect the current year’s rates and caps the tax loss revenue payment at $600,000.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 726

Description: Creates an internship program for people with disabilities at state agencies with 1,500 employees or more.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 727

Description: Creates the Native American Employment Plan Advisory Council.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 731

Description: Creates new requirements of mutual cooperation between the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 944

Description: Expands the list of vehicles that veterans with disabilities can apply for special license plates.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1090

Description: Enhances environmental barrier protections for individuals with disabilities and general public.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1127

Description: Allows the POW/MIA flag to fly at local airports.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1134

Description: Amends the Code of Civil Procedure relating to the publication and notice of a foreclosure.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1136

Description: Expands efforts to hire state employees with disabilities.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1166

Description: Eliminates unnecessary barriers to occupational and professional licenses for people who are not U.S. citizens.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1214

Description: Provides training for phlebotomists to draw blood with adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1226

Description: Abolishes the Illinois State Charter School Commission on July 1, 2020, and transfers its responsibilities to the Illinois State Board of Education.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1236

Description: Limits compensation for county board members receiving pension benefits for their position, allows for the removal of a county board chairman who is selected by board members, requires most stringent familiar disclosures between vendors and board members or management, and allows newly elected officials to request a transition audit.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1257

Description: Decouples from a federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provision which requires non-profit entities to pay tax on their employees’ parking and transportation benefits.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1264

Description: Allow SURS and other public retirement systems to report amounts of unclaimed property without turning over trust assets to the state.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1343

Description: Ensures heavy duty tow and recovery vehicles coordinate with IDOT to be permitted to travel on state roads.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1371

Description: Permits school districts to install a door security locking means if all applicable requirements are met.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2019


Bill Number: SB 1377

Description: Requires new companies formed by the Illinois Insurance Division Law to be licensed in all of the states where the original dividing company was licensed to have the policies transferred to the new company.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2019


Bill Number: SB 1456

Description: Requires tax to be paid on tax-except property if leased out for a non-conforming use.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1464

Description: Closes a loophole that could have affected a small number of preneed funeral contracts.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1495

Description: Clarifies the liability of members and managers in the Limited Company Liability Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1498

Description: Establishes a new agriculture education pre-service teacher internship program, subject to appropriation.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1506

Description: Ensures health care providers inform patients about the effect dense breast tissue has on the accuracy of mammograms.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1507

Description: Establishes a cause of action for a person who is depicted in a private sexual image without consent.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1514

Description: Provides that ‘installment sales contract’ does not include a financial arrangement offered by third-party religious or cultural lenders.

Action: Signed

Effective: June 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1525

Description: Allows DCFS to provide apprenticeship stipends for youth.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1573

Description: Makes several changes to statute in increase the labor force in nursing home facilities.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1641

Description: Increases awareness about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for students who are eligible for a MAP grant.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1669

Description: Creates two new scratch off to fund the School STEAM Grant Program and the Alzheimer’s Awareness Fund.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1724

Description: Directs the Government Finance Research Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago to issue a report evaluating the setting of water rates throughout the Lake Michigan service area of northeastern Illinois.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1758

Description: Amends the Consumer Installment Loan Act and the Payday Loan Reform Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1778

Description: Amends the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1780

Description: Prohibits housing discrimination based on arrest records.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020

Bill Number: SB 1791

Description: Revises the SNAP and E&T program criteria to meet the diverse needs to residents by making the program voluntary if a county can provide for at least half of the work registrants.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1813

Description: Updates the Illinois Credit Union Act to enable credit unions to operate more efficiently.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1888

Description: Eases access to the social worker license examination.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 1889

Description: Codifies the existing DCFS Child Protection Program between DCFS and the University of Illinois-Springfield.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1901

Description: Makes technical changes to various sections of the School Code.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1918

Description: Makes technical changes to various state funds.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1934

Description: Addresses requirements for automotive parts recyclers, scrap processors, repairers, rebuilders and salvage vehicles.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 2027

Description: Requires IEPA to prioritize unregulated and underregulated landfills that overlie the Mahomet Aquifer, complete pilot project response actions, and identity actions to address threats to human health and the environment.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 2085

Description: Authorizes the psychiatric Collaborative Care Model (CoCM), an evidence-based integrated care model, in the Illinois Insurance Code.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 2128

Description: Amends the Illinois Certified Shorthand Reporters Act of 1984 in a way that would have had unintended consequences on existing and established court procedures.

Action: Veto


Bill Number: SB 2136

Description: Modernizes the North Shore Water Reclamation District Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 2146

Description: Directs the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to create a Clean Water Workforce Pipeline program to provide grants and other financial assistance promotes clean water infrastructure and workforce development efforts.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2020


Bill Number: SB 2148

Description: Creates the Correctional Officer Intern Program.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately