Home #abortion This is not Political!!!!!!!!!!!! It is About Right and Wrong

This is not Political!!!!!!!!!!!! It is About Right and Wrong


Steve Balich Editors Note:

Investigators from the Will County sheriff’s and coroner’s offices discovered 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains at a rural property in the 2900 block of East Pine Court in Crete. The coroner’s office has since taken possession of the remains.

“No one has any answers,” said Kevin Bolger, a criminal defense attorney representing Klopfer’s family. “It is what it is. Like I said, the family is cooperating 100%.

It angers me that a Proclamation against after birth abortion which is killing live babies was not allowed to be read as a proclamation at the Will County Board months ago. Reading the Proclamation would not have stopped this inhumane person from doing the evil he did, but at least Will County would be on record against it.  Everyone needs to examine their own conscience and decide if they will be quiet or speak out when evil shows its head.



By Mark Weyermuller – 

This past Saturday, I attended a memorial at the Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside, Illinois. The cemetery is the burial place of 2033 aborted children.  Special guests at the memorial included Nancy Kreuzer of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Father Herman Kincaid of the Orthodox Church in America, and Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League. Music was provided by an ensemble from the Magnificat Choir at St. John Cantius Parish in Chicago. About 200 people attended the service, including many families with small children.

Eric Scheidler led the service with breaking news of the remains of 2246 aborted babies found in a home last Thursday in Crete, Illinois, a suburb south of Chicago. The home belong to Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who performed abortions for the past 40 years in Indiana. Klopfer died on September 3, 2019. The house was being cleaned out when the remains were found.

There are many questions which have yet to be addressed or answered. Was there some selling of body parts of babies?  Were these babies being kept as “trophies” as we see in such disturbing movies as Silence of the Lambs? Were abortions being performed illegally at this doctors’ home?  Should there be a federal law that aborted children be buried or cremated with same respect as other people and not treated as medical waste? Are the Indiana abortion clinics being investigated today for their practices and proper removal of human remains?  What will happen to 2246 human remains?
Eric Scheidler indicated he would like to have a proper burial of those aborted children at a place like Queen of Heaven Cemetery. There has been some main stream media coverage but all in all is not much.
Solemn prayer vigils were conducted at the 52 gravesites  across the United States, as well as at dozens of other sites dedicated in memory of aborted children. Saturday’s service in Hillside ended with people leaving a white rose at the grave where 2033 unborn children are buried.
Pro Life billboards are appearing around the Chicago area.  Some read, “A baby is a baby, born and unborn.”
More information can be found at this link: https://prolifeaction.org/
Mark Weyermuller is a small business person, real estate professional, and conservative activist in Chicago. He is a citizen journalist and regular contributor to Illinois Review.


From Illinois Review

Suburban nurse testifies before Congress about holding aborted baby until he died

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WASHINGTON DC – Suburban nurse Jill Stanek’s story of holding a 22-week Downs Syndrome baby whose birth was induced because his parents did not want him is one that has haunted Illinoisans for 20 years – or it should have.

Stanek’s story this week included photos of what the hospital called a “Comfort Room” – to take professional photos of the babies induced early and allowed to die.

This week, Stanek shared her experience at Oak Lawn’s Christ Hospital before Congress as recorded by The Blaze: 

But this week wasn’t the first time she’s told her story. Stanek pleaded with Illinois lawmakers in 2000 and beyond to intervene and protect these innocent little ones. The reaction of Democrat state lawmakers like then-State Senator Barack Obama was cold-blooded and heartless. He publicly questioned Stanek’s testimony on several occasions.

The state of Illinois passed legislation symbolically protecting those babies born alive, but when abortion industry groups like Planned Parenthood and Personal PAC withdrew their opposition to the final wording, everyone knew the law that was put into effect was meaningless.

The story went national – and Stanek was on hand when President George W. Bush signed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act into law in August of 2002 – but while the federal law was a first step, it had no teeth to force the babies born alive be protected. That’s what GOP lawmakers are now considering.

Jill Stanek contributed to Illinois Review for several years before she was drawn into the national debate. Her story about Christ Hospital is told in details on the Susan B. Anthony List’s website – including photos of Christ Hospital’s “Comfort Room.

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Will County Board Democrats Stop Proclamation Against After Birth Abortion/ Come to the July 18th Board Meeting and express your opinion


By Steve Balich

People protest and express there opinion in the course of standing up for what they believe. What is more important than standing against the murder of living human beings. The Babies are now, but at what point do they condemn old people, sick people, or any other group to be determined by a State.

I would like to see as many people and groups come to the Will County Board Meeting and sign up to speak about your feelings about after birth abortion (infanticide). You will need to sign in to speak in open forum. The meeting starts at 9:30am at 302 N. Chicago Joliet, IL. July 18th, and wear Blue.


Will County Republicans STOPPED by Democrats (Socialists) from reading Proclamation against Killing Living Babies


It was not a surprise the Democrats who are Socialist would not allow a Proclamation against killing babies after they are born from being read at the Will County Board Meeting June 20, 2019. The Democrat Party is clearly on the side of Socialism, trying to rip down the culture, morality, and traditions of what made the United States what it is today.

This Proclamation that was written by Will County Board member Steve Balich, tweaked by Board Member Judy Ogala, and tweaked again by Illinois Family Institute’s Dave Smith. It was read by Judy Ogala at her desk at the end of the meeting in comments by commissioners after Democrat Speaker Denise Winfrey would not allow it on the agenda, telling Judy it has nothing to do with the County. This was the first time in the 6 years I have been on the Board that a Proclamation presented to Leadership in the proper fashion with the proper time frame has been denied.

When Board Member Ogala Read the Proclamation and talked about it from her desk, only Republicans would speak in support.   

There was one lady who spoke in Public Comments that made me feel so sad that this is where Will County is now. I realized in a huge way what is meant by the phrase Elections do have consequences. The Democrats ( Socialists) have total control of Will County. This is just the first of many Socialist issues, taxes, and fees the people of Will County will have to endure.

After the meeting several members of the Democrat (Socialist) Caucus yelled at Republicans in one on one conversations for taking a position against EXECUTION on live babies after they are born.

Supporting All Babies Born Alive Month

Written by Steve Balich, Judy Ogala and Dave Smith

Whereas, Roe v. Wade is the legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 1973 ruled (7–2) that unduly restrictive state regulation of abortion is unconstitutional and;

Whereas, the Supreme Court placed the point after which a state’s compelling interest in the pregnant woman’s health would allow it to regulate abortion “at approximately the end of the first trimester” and;

Whereas, the Supreme Court recognized the “point of the viability of the unborn baby” the State could protect its interest in “potential life” and regulate abortion and;

Whereas, the Will County Board recognizes it is a felony in the State of Illinois to abuse animals and;

Whereas, the Will County Board recognizes that on March 9, 2011, the State of Illinois abolished the death penalty for criminals and;

Whereas, per the Reproductive Health Act in Illinois a baby after coming out of a woman’s womb may left to die in the State of Illinois and;

Whereas, the Will County Board recognizes the fact that animals and criminals are treated with one standard, and newborn babies another;

Now, therefore, be it further resolved, that the Will County Board:


  1. stands against the inhumane act of allowing newborn babies to die;
  2. believes that everything should be done to protect the lives of these babies;
  3. proclaims that the month of July is “Protect ALL Babies Born Alive Month”; and
  4. asks everyone attending the Recessed County Board meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2019 to wear BLUE to support the life of “every” baby born alive.