Tom McCullagh for State Senate 49th District shared a post.

5 hrs

A Clear Choice in November
Hello, my name is Thomas McCullagh, and I think you and I probably have a lot in common. Like you, I am fed up with the rampant corruption throughout our political system. Like you, I become frustrated when I see our tax dollars wasted by an inefficient government that seemingly has no respect for the taxpayers who worked so hard for the money that was taken from them. Like you, I am greatly disappointed when I see…Continue ReadingTom McCullagh for State Senate 49th District5 hrs

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A Clear Choice in November
Hello, my name is Thomas McCullagh, and I think you and I probably have a lot in common. Like you, I am fed up with the rampant corruption throughout our political system. Like you, I become frustrated when I see our tax dollars wasted by an inefficient government that seemingly has no respect for the taxpayers who worked so hard for the money that was taken from them. Like you, I am greatly disappointed when I see our children being forced to leave our home because there just isn’t any future for them here. Like you, I am saddened to see the plight of our Senior Citizens as their life savings are vaporized by the ever-increasing property and use taxes, and then only to be fleeced again by an “exit tax” if they try to escape from Illinois. Like you, I feel empathy for those who are willing to work their hearts out but just can’t find a decent job because there are no real opportunities left here anymore. Like you, I think I think the best way out of the mess we’re in is to clean house in Springfield, and then work to restore honesty, integrity, and efficiency so that all our citizens can have an opportunity for a happy, secure, and prosperous life. That’s why, in April of this year, I announced my candidacy to serve as your State Senator, representing the 49th Legislative District.

Unlike my political opponents, I, Thomas McCullagh, am the only senatorial candidate in the 49th District to fully condemn corruption at every level of government. I am the only candidate to openly condemn Michael Madigan for his long history of political dirty tricks and his gross mismanagement of taxpayer’s dollars. I am the only candidate in my district to condemn Tom Cullerton for his embezzlement indictment alleging that he took $275,000 in bribes. I am the only candidate in my district to condemn Martin Sandoval who was forced to resign while under criminal investigation. I am the only candidate in my district to condemn Luis Arroyo, who was arrested by Federal authorities and charged with bribery. No rational explanation exists for defending what has happened under Democrat rule. I think we all understand that failure to condemn such rampant crime and corruption is, in fact, to condone it!

Like you, I think Illinois has suffered enough under the crime, corruption, and wasteful spending under Madigan’s leadership over the past 40 years. It has resulted in our state losing more than 100,000 residents in just the past 12 months. We see businesses closing every day. You would think the Democrats would want to change that, but no; Democrats tell us they want to raise our taxes even more; they want more stifling regulations, and they’re apparently OK with the corruption that has brought such devastation to our State.
I disagree with the Democrat’s vision. I want to salvage our future and work to provide a brighter future for our children. I want to end the waste and corruption that has brought harm to our parents, our children, and ourselves. I want to replace it with integrity, ethical principles, and sound fiscal policies. If you are like me and think it’s time we put a stop to the status quo of graft and corruption, then I ask for your vote.

Thank you.
Tom McCullagh