Home#crime Illinois Democrat Crime Ring

Illinois Democrat Crime Ring
By Steve Balich -November 25, 201901

Fellow Republican,
Welcome to this week’s Chairman’s Update.
This week’s edition is exciting as it will be all about the rollout of a major initiative of the ILGOP for the 2020 election cycle: exposing the Illinois Democrat Crime Ring, and effort anchored by DemCorruption.com. Everyone is consumed by the sham impeachment hearings going on in DC. There is no shortage of news on that front so I won’t bore you with more of it this week.
Please help us spread our message by sharing this email with your personal networks. Any help is appreciated.

Illinois Democrat Crime Ring
I’m sure most of you are aware that 2019 has been an unprecedented year for the uncovering of multiple indictments, FBI raids and federal probes of those atop the power structures of the Democratic Party of Illinois, state government, and the city of Chicago.
Literally, as I write this (on Thursday), new stories are coming out that continue to pull back the curtain on the network of grifters and cronies that Madigan controls. We will report more on that in next week’s edition of the Chairman’s Update as more details come out.
The point is, this is our time to strike. The ILGOP must be a the forefront of reminding the voters that Democrats in this state are more concerned with corrupt schemes to enrich themselves than fighting for regular people. That’s why we launched DemCorruption.com. So, to demonstrate our public pitch, I wanted to share with you the press release we sent out announcing the launch:
ILGOP Launches Website to Expose Epidemic of Democrat Corruption
“Democratic leaders in Illinois are a crime ring masquerading as a political party. No other state in America has virtually all of its top political leaders currently under federal investigation for corruption. From the Statehouse to Chicago City Hall, Democrat leaders like Madigan, Pritzker, and Burke have shown repeatedly they are in public service to abuse power, enrich themselves, and hand out favors to their friends. It’s time to turn this corrupt status quo into a five-alarm fire that wakes up the public and media – the only ones who can hold these politicians accountable.” – ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider
Today, the Illinois Republican Party is launching DemCorruption.com, a website to expose the Illinois Democrat Crime Ring as a wide-ranging network of lawmakers, lobbyists, and party bosses whose sole purpose is the personal financial benefit of those within the ring. Whether the public benefits from their government service is of no concern to them.
The individuals atop this network of criminals and cronies are in the most powerful positions within state government and our state’s largest city:
INDICTED on federal charges
Tom Cullerton, State Senator
Ed Burke, Chicago Alderman
Luis Arroyo, State Representative (former)
Under federal investigation
Mike Madigan, Speaker of the House & Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois
JB Pritzker, Governor
Martin Sandoval, State Senator
Carrie Austin, Chicago alderman
Daniel Solis, Chicago alderman
Jeff Tobolski, Cook County Board
Only in Illinois would so many elected officials be indicted or under federal investigation. Some are tied up in the same scheme; others are being investigated for their own personal insider dealings. The thing that binds them together is that they serve in high-ranking leadership roles in the Democratic Party of Illinois.
The ILGOP has created DemCorruption.com to expose the misdealings of each politician and to help keep all the ongoing scandals straight. We even created helpful nicknames to make it easier to remember all the corruption, grift, and greed. Some of the infamous members of the Illinois Democrat Crime Ring include The Velvet Hammer, Junior Blagojevich, and the Red-light Baron. Information about the rest of the crime ring can be found at the website.
“DemCorruption.com will serve as a central clearinghouse for information on Democrat corruption in Illinois,” explained ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider. “Voters can stay up to date, learn how to fight back, and get involved in exposing the Illinois Democrat power structure for what it is: a criminal enterprise.”