Eyes Right Open Radio Show Saturdays 5pm WIND AM560 The Answer

By Steve Balich

Eyes Right Open is a group dedicated to turning Illinois Red. This means getting Republicans elected in Illinois especially our President Trump. President Trump is the best President in my lifetime. He is hated by everyone making money from the people in our Country because he is ending their reign of corruption. Elected Republicans that despise him are mad at his removing their power and free money. Elected Democrats and most of the media can’t stand him because he is stopping the advance of Socialism and ending their corrupt gain of power, influence, and money. He is draining the swamp.

The swamp is deep. It extends from Washington to local boards like the Township, Fire, City Council, Library, County, etc. Eyes Right Open wants to help elect honest Constitutional Republicans to office in an effort to drain the swamp on all levels of government. We at Eyes Right Open want to start moving the dial toward the right in an effort to make our homes a better place to live, and eliminate the double standard that exists between the rich and powerful and the rest of us.

Understand the logo Your eyes need to open to the possibilities when we can move our Country toward the RIGHT, and help President Trump not only drain the swamp but get back to the Constitution as it was originally written.