For Immediate Release

Casten Stokes Bitterness Amid Crisis
“Blaming the world for problems, instead of working to solve them, shows us Sean Casten’s true character.”

March 27, 2020 – 
In a Twitter rant this morning, Rep. Sean Casten (IL-06) accuses on almost everyone for making the COVID-19 crisis worse. In the thread, he casts blame the President, the media, social media platforms, social media users, and – despite repeatedly claiming his rant was non-political – Republicans, the Koch brothers and the NRA. 

  “These tweets are appalling. Blaming the world for problems, instead of working to solve them, shows us Sean Casten’s true character,” said Jeanne Ives, Republican nominee for Congress (IL-06). “Over the past two weeks, we have seen families and neighbors finding new and creative ways to look out for each other. I have talked with business owners in anguish  – not over their own circumstances, but over the uncertainty their employees are now faced with.

We have seen doctors, nurses and infectious disease experts working overtime to help meet the needs in their communities.  “People working together to find solutions that will make life better, and to make the best of an unprecedented and stressful situation. We expect our elected representatives to do the same. But, in a moment that leaders should be using their platforms to drive solutions and safety, Sean Casten stokes anger, fear, division and bitterness. Capitalizing on a crisis is a cynical political move.

The people of the Sixth District deserve better – and are better – than this.”  ### For more information or to book Jeanne Ives, please contact Kathleen Murphy at 630-329-4680 or