Steve Balich Editors Note:
Welcome in the new birth of Socialism! I for one don’t like it!!!!!!!! I will stand against any Dictator Mayor, Governor, or public official that thinks they can take my rights guaranteed in our Constitution,m and granted us by God. If you like being told how you live your life, Marxism is for you. We all got a taste of the power of Government demanding obedience during the shutdowns. Some people say this was just a trial to see how far people can be pushed into giving up their Constitutional Rights.
I love that people are rising up in anger all over the Country in defiance. It angers me that those in control double down on the guidelines to show they are in control.
If you want to be told what job you will take, how much food you can eat, where you can live, what you can do in your free time, and that you no longer can practice the Religion of your choice, support your Democrat Socialist Candidates. If you had enough make sure you VOTE against the growth of Socialism.

Written By Tom Harris, Jay Lehr
We are at war against the globalists who wish to deprive us of our freedoms and other rights that America is built to protect.
America’s Democrat Party and both the Liberal and conservative parties of Canada remind us of the old South of the U.S. where plantation owners controlled the lives of all who resided there. Under the owners’ control were the slaves they owned as well as those who managed the business of products they grew. Under the rule of today’s liberals (and even Ontario’s so-called Progressive Conservatives, an oxymoron if there ever was one), our nations now look like huge plantations.
The way we have all been managed in the face of an overly-hyped health threat is a case in point. Many people are starting to see it for what it really is—a taste of socialism gone wild—and they are beginning to protest vociferously against having the governments as their nannies, and having to pay the bill to boot. Many politicians will undoubtedly reap their just rewards in coming elections.
The plantation owners aren’t primarily people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or Ontario Premier Doug Ford. They merely serve as foremen and are easily replaceable. Look at how easily Schumer stepped in and took over for Harry Reid. You barely noticed the transition.
Besides the Chinese Communist Party which has its controlling tentacles strangling the World Health Organization (WHO), the people who own the plantation are people like billionaires George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg, who promote globalism in general and the U.N. and the WHO, in particular. These men are apparently the puppet masters who pull the strings and make the members of Congress, the Deep State, the media and academia, dance. They are well intertwined. George Soros nephew is married to Chelsea Clinton; his son is married to Adam Shiff’s sister. Soros is seen in pictures with the likes of the woman who charged Judge Kavanaugh with misconduct as well as Nancy Pelosi and Corey Booker.
It would seem that, once a person reaches billionaire status and has the money to buy practically anything, their next step up is to become one of the world’s puppet-masters.
Why else would the two most influential newspapers in the U.S., the New York Times and the Washington Post, be little different than the government-run publications of China and Russia?
Like many in the press from both sides of the border, they are doing their best to turn their readers against the only person standing in their way: President Donald Trump. He is the first person of power in our lifetime who has attempted to cut the strings controlling the puppets.
If there had been a free press in Nazi Germany, it couldn’t have been any more anti-Hitler than the NY Times, the Washington Post and most of TV’s news outlets are anti-Trump. And, to their eternal shame, for many years, the Times published the glowing reports that their foreign correspondent Walter Duranty was filing about the Soviet Union from its Moscow bureau. Apparently, the brilliant sophisticates in the newspaper’s editorial boardroom back in Manhattan never suspected that Duranty was cashing two checks every week, one signed by his publisher Adolph Ochs, the other by Joseph Stalin. Even when British newspapers were printing the truth about Stalin starving the Ukrainians who refused to surrender their farms to collectivism, the powers in New York chose to believe the propaganda provided by Duranty. It didn’t enhance their reputation when, decades later, the ugly truth finally came out that Durant was a double agent. Yet the Times refused to relinquish the Pulitzer Prize it collected in 1932 for those bogus reports.
Trump refuses to play nice with the usual suspects who populate the press backrooms and the various Deep State departments and agencies in Washington. So, they will stop at nothing to destroy him and drive him out of office. Just look at their botched effort to impeach the President on bogus grounds.
Those who hold Schumer and Pelosi responsible for the attempt to get rid of Trump either by portraying him as a Russian agent for the benefit of Robert Mueller, or impeaching him on trumped-up charges related to Ukraine, are being too easily distracted. Schumer and Pelosi are merely the henchmen of globalist thugs. They know how unimportant they actually are.
The pundits at Fox News make a big deal out of left-leaning law professor Alan Dershowitz just because he expresses respect for the U.S. Constitution. As a result, they love to roll Dershowitz out as an example of an open-minded liberal, and never embarrass him by asking why, as a supporter of the Constitution, he voted twice for Barack Obama and once for Hillary Clinton.
Taking a page from the Soviet playbook, New York’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, has asked that eight million New Yorkers snitch on each other if they spot a neighbor or a family member breaking or bending any of the rules he has imposed in his campaign against the Chinese coronavirus and the Bill of Rights. Yet, while the Mayor wants to arrest people who take a solitary walk in Central Park or go swimming at Coney Island, he’s fine with the city’s homeless taking refuge crammed into the same subways used to transport New York’s health care workers.
At the same time, the mayor of Elizabeth, New Jersey, J. Christian Bollwage, is employing a squadron of drones to spy on people and make certain they’re obeying his draconian restrictions. Apparently, he admires the Chinese despots who are using drones to keep track of potential dissidents.
In Colorado, a guy tossing a ball around in an empty park with his wife and young daughter, was arrested by the police. The next day, Gov. Jared Polis practiced medicine without a license and defended the action, saying: “Simply put, by staying home, Coloradans are saving lives.” Yet, in an article that appeared this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was pointed out that, when people are outdoors, the air disperses the virus and people are far less likely to contract the disease than if they’re stuck indoors.
It is at least as bad north of the border. Canada’s Ed Rolanty reported:
“A couple operating a convenience store in Cornwall, Ontario, a city of about 47,000, was fined $880 recently. They installed plexiglass shields, social-distancing floor markers and Wuhan Flu tips as required by local law in order to remain open. But they didn’t do it fast enough so the police ticketed them. The irony is that the store was robbed of over $5,000 in January – a robbery that was captured on HD video – and the cops told them there wasn’t much they could do about it. As of yesterday, Cornwall has had 14 cases of Wuhan Flu and 0 deaths.”
In a second case, which occurred in Sarnia, Ontario (pop ~76,000), a retired, elderly man was fined $880 for taking his dog out to for a bathroom break. Rolantly reported:
“He reported the fine to the media and the police subsequently visited him and tore up the ticket and issued him a new one for $1,255 for violating the Quarantine Act. Sarnia and the surrounding area had 176 cases of Wuhan Flu with 14 deaths. And about two-thirds of the cases and all of the deaths have been in two nursing homes.”
De Blasio has competition for the title of New York’s worst. There is always Schumer screaming for Trump’s head 24/7 and doing everything humanly possible in an attempt to derail the President’s pro-American agenda. And, of course the hopelessly misguided Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeting how happy she is that the virus has all but destroyed America’s oil industry. The same in Canada where Green Party leader and Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet both used the pandemic to pile on the oil industry. “Oil is dead,” proclaimed May, with Blanchet saying that Alberta’s “tar sands” are “condemned.”
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook chairman, chief executive officer, and controlling shareholder, is becoming the main face of the movement dedicated to defeating Trump in November.
Zuckerberg has also been shutting down citizens on Facebook who are calling for demonstrations against governors who are doubling down on the restrictions even as the danger declines. He even shut down an article by the senior author of this piece for publishing an article on how our solar system affects our climate.
In Canada, the censors at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation are apparently hard at work censoring comments from the public after articles that, despite following CBC Content Submission Guidelines, go against the party line on COVID-19. The junior author of this article, Tom Harris, had his comment, quickly deleted by a CBC moderator. A follow-up post that directed readers to our article on the mistakes being made by governments was also deleted within minutes.
The shutdown may be a HUGE mistake – here is my video discussing this.
Zuckerberg has announced that he is denying people their First Amendment rights to free speech and to assemble peaceably in order to prevent their dissemination of “mis-information.” When the junior author complained to CBC Audience Relations about the network’s censorship, they simply replied, “All of the comments provided in this correspondence were correctly moderated,” without giving any indications of how the above posting violated their submission guidelines.
We have always believed that if you looked more closely at any these supposedly progressive entities, whether they call themselves Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Socialists or Communists, you’ll often find a closet fascist. Now, as they use the virus to deprive their constituents of their rights and freedoms, they reveal their true authoritarian bent.
Pundits and politicians have been comparing the current virus crisis to waging war. This is terribly insulting to those who actually went to war to defend our freedoms. For a sample of the horrors of real war, it is worth reading Sgt. Charles H. Savage’s (the junior author’s grandfather) description of the aftermath of a World War I trench battle:
“It was possible to read the story of attack and defence by the grouping of the dead. Here was the assault trench, broken by shell holes, each one with its circle of mangled and half-buried bodies: the German counter-barrage had been accurate. Immediately in front of the assault trench the ground was clear – it had been crossed before the enemy had had time to bring his machine guns and rifles into action. Then for fifty yards the rich harvest reaped by machine guns playing on massed men lay thick on the ground…
“But what of that circle of huddled bodies on the left? About what deadly centre had this line been drawn? A machine gun superbly handled stopped everything there. It was never reached from in front: the gunners were shot or bayoneted by our men coming in from the flanks. They died on their gun. And those men half kneeling, half lying in grotesque attitudes? The wire had not been cut in front of them: that is what is holding them up. They died on the wire, the worst fate a soldier could suffer.
“And thus, it went. The story to which we were soon to add another paragraph, lay written for anyone to read, and so we cursed and joked and took very good care not to read it.”
A century later, we are at also war. But it is not primarily against the virus or, thank God, anyone trying to machine gun or bayonet us or leave us to die dangling on barbed wire. We are at war against the globalists who wish to deprive us of our freedoms and other rights that soldiers like Sgt. Savage fought and died for. Every politician who has taken advantage of COVID-19 to grant themselves dictatorial powers previous generations of free men and women risked their lives to defend against should be roundly condemned by all thinking people. They must be removed from office the next time they appear on a ballot, if not sooner.