Unleash Prosperity Hotline
Issue #39 Written By Stephen Moore
1) Cuomo-Gate Nursing Home Scandal Cover-up Begins
Blames Nursing Homes for Following His Order
New York reports over 6,000 residents of long-term care facilities have died of COVID, but to conceal the real number, since the beginning of May they have excluded deaths outside the walls of the facility. Most nursing home residents are hospitalized prior to death, so the real total may be double or even triple the reported figure.
The scandal is Cuomo’s order requiring nursing homes to accept infectious patients, and then the cover-up.
First he changed the definition to hide the number, then said he didn’t know about his own policy, then he blamed the Trump administration (which actually gave states broad flexibility to manage their nursing home populations), to yesterday actually blaming the nursing homes themselves.
Yesterday Cuomo lied and said: “The obligation is on the nursing home to say, ‘I can’t take a COVID patient.'”
Cuomo’s order *required* them to accept infectious patients. It said: “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”
The order was mysteriously deleted from the New York State website, but the Internet is forever:
Editors note: Our own Phil Kerpen deserves a pulitzer for his ongoing coverage of this crisis and the cover-up. We promise we will stay atop this scandal that the New York Times, ignores.
2) Stress Pandemic: It’s Official. The Lockdowns Are Making Us Depressed
A new Census Bureau survey included four questions taken from a test used by doctors to screen patients for depression and anxiety. The results are alarming at the impact fear, isolation, unemployment and loneliness are having on Americans.
The survey found that a third of Americans are showing signs of clinical anxiety or depression. A full 24 percent showed clinically significant symptoms of major depressive disorder and 30 percent showed symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.
The impact of these conditions were concentrated among young people, the poor and women. Geographically, the rates for depression or anxiety ranged from nearly half of Mississippi residents to just over a quarter in Iowa.
The Census Bureau isn’t the only group finding clear mental health problems. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll in April found near half of respondents said the crisis was impairing their mental health. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention says the country experienced a rise in suicides, substance abuse and drug overdose deaths.
3) Much Less Death in Republican than Democratic Districts.
This chart from the liberal Pew Research Center shows the COVID mortality curve has been consistently higher in blue congressional districts than in red congressional districts. Democratic districts have seen declines in death rates, but still have double the rates in Republican districts. At least that’s what we think it shows… Pew shamelessly put a different spin on it in their chart title to pretend that Democrats are doing a better job “flattening the curve.” This is like saying a fat person who loses five pounds is doing a better job containing his weight than a fit person who was never obese in the first place.
4) The Facts and Data You Need to Open Schools…
Several of our loyal Hotline readers have told us they like our stories about children not being at risk or infectious transmitters of the virus.
But your local school board, private school administration, mayor — or maybe even a liberal family member — just won’t believe anything coming from anyone on the right. So here are some materials from the world’s foremost researcher on pediatric COVID, Alisdair Munro, who has reviewed over 150 papers on the subject.
His summary article:
Literature review site:
Latest update thread:
5) Norway Ends Mass Testing
Norway, which admitted Tuesday that lockdown was unnecessary and not scientifically justified, announced yesterday that they will end large-scale, U.S.-style testing and shift to only testing symptomatic patients for diagnostic/treatment purposes:
“If 12,000 random people were tested in Norway today, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health estimated in a press release issued on Monday, 15 would test positive, of which only one would have a real coronavirus infection.”
6) Denmark: No Rebound and No Second Wave
Denmark opened up businesses and schools a month ago and has seen no increase in infections, hospitalizations, or deaths.
Reuters reports: “Denmark is ‘very unlikely’ to be hit by a second wave of coronavirus, the country’s chief epidemiologist said.
“No country has seen an actual second wave yet. Some countries have seen the spread go up and down,” state epidemiologist Kare Molbak said. “But with the knowledge we have today, I find it very unlikely that we’ll see second wave.”
7) Derek Kan for Deputy OMB Director – Solid Pick
Derek is a smart, principled conservative and has deep experience on Capitol Hill, in the executive branch, and in the private sector as an executive of Lyft. It also helps that he was confirmed to his last job as Deputy Undersecretary of Transportation for Policy on a 90 to 7 vote. Great choice, President Trump.
8) Anti-Hero of the Day: One Rule for Thee, Another for Governor Me
New Mexico is one of the few states with no plans to open bars and restaurants, despite having only a grand total of 329 COVID deaths, with about half reportedly in long-term care.
The iron-fisted lockdown makes the high-handed behavior of its governor all the more objectionable.
KRQE-TV in Albuquerque reports that Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has written a lockdown rulebook with two sets of standards. On one side are all the non-essential businesses that have been shut down for over two months. On the other, is the jewelry store that she had opened up so she could buy its wares.
On April 3, Gov. Lujan Grisham announced that state residents would have to make “personal sacrifices” during the fight on the virus. But just days later, she called an employee at the Lilly Barrack jewelry store and bought some expensive items over the phone. But the employee then had to break the rules and go to the store, select the jewelry and have someone from the governor’s office come and pick it up.
Other jewelers in town said they refused to allow any of their employees in their stores for fear of fines. But it appears that wasn’t a realistic concern for the jeweler who did the governor’s bidding.
9) Quote of the Day
10) FreedomFest to Open in Vegas – First conference Since the Shutdown!
FreedomFest, will be the first person-to-person conference in Vegas (if not the country). July 13-16 at Caesars Palace.
Read the announcement here: https://forum.freedomfest.com/an-open-letter-to-all-freedom-lovers-from-john-galt/
For more information, or to register, go to www.freedomfest.com.
11) Steve Forbes: Biden’s Election Promises Amid a Covid-19 Recession
Steve Forbes on how the Democratic Party’s election promises could slow our economic recovery and why its proposed policies would drive taxes higher, further depress the stock market and lead to devastating inflation.