For Immediate Release 

IL-06 Voters Come Together to Oppose Sean Casten’s Tax Hikes in New Jeanne for Congress Ad

October 5, 2020 – The Jeanne for Congress campaign brought voters around the district together in a new TV ad titled, Your Neighbors Agree.

The 30-second ad will run across multiple cable networks and on social media. 

Your Neighbors Agree highlights the taxes Sean Casten wants to impose on his constituents, while at the same time seeking special deals for himself – including an illegal property tax exemption on his DC Condo. 

Watch Your Neighbors Agree here. 



Sean Casten voted to have taxpayers fund his campaign. He called that his “bravest vote.”

Real brave, Sean.  


Casten took an illegal tax credit on his condo in DC. 


What’s wrong with him?


Casten’s gonna fix social security by charging me twenty percent more. 

That’s not fixing anything. 


Casten would raise my taxes by how much?

Forget that! 


My family can’t afford 2 more years of Sean Casten.

Male Voiceover:

Stop Sean. 

Your neighbors agree. ###

For more information or to book Jeanne Ives contact Kathleen Murphy at or 630-329-4680.