Press ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   October 7th, 2020
State Senate Candidate Thomas McCullagh of District 49 exposes Meg Cappel’s corruption and ties to Michael Madigan.
 Shorewood, IL –Cappel’s official campaign website stresses her priority to “Fight Corruption in Springfield”. She emphasizes how “teachers are held to the highest ethical standard” and “lawmakers should be held to that same standard”. McCullagh agrees. It is time for Cappel to be transparent and accountable for her direct ties to Michael Madigan. On her D2 filings with the State Board of Elections, it repeatedly shows the name “John Londrigan”. Londrigan is a paid Madigan staffer, as evidenced by the “Friends of Michael J Madigan” payments to Mr. Londrigan. (See image below)  “Meg Cappel continues to lie to the people of the 49th district,” exclaims McCullagh, “It is clear: she has zero intent to fight corruption. Cappel instead embraces corruption.” 
Meg Cappel continues to work with known Madigan associates Harry Benton and Natalie Manley. Both receive substantial direct contributions from “Friends of Michael J Madigan”. When confronted during a Herald News endorsement interview, she repeatedly refused to back away from Harry Benton. 
 “I have been consistent with my demands for Madigan to resign and return the money he stole from the people of Illinois,” states McCullagh, “Meg Cappel has proven time and again that she will be continuing the corruption machine that exists in Illinois. I plan to break that machine.” During the election cycle, Meg has not called for Speaker Madigan to resign amid the ComEd scandal. Madigan, allegedly, took bribes in exchange for unnecessarily raising energy rates, costing Illinois residents an additional $20 billion since 2011. This is the definition of corruption.  McCullagh concludes, “The choice is clear. Meg Cappel needs to come clean about her duplicitous relationship with the truth. The people of the 49th deserve better than a Madigan crony.”

 Campaign Contacts
CandidateThomas McCullagh