The 116-page New Comprehensive Plan, plus the 30+ pages of proposed edits, are like drinking from a firehose.  It takes a picture to tell the real story.  Find 159th Street on the map… then look at all the light brown shaded areas.  These are all called “Mixed Use” areas.

What’s “Mixed Use”?  An aggressive mix of development including commercial business, retail business, a range of housing from single family homes to duplexes, quadraplexes, and apartments. If this Land Use proposal is fully implemented; the population of Homer Glen would soar to 59,000!

There are several existing subdivisions and homes currently in this “Mixed Use Corridor”.  If you are one of our residents that live in this area or are adjacent to this area… PAY ATTENTION!  You may wake up some morning, and find the Village breaking ground to construct a 4-story Apartment Complex right outside your window. 

If you want to preserve the heritage of Homer Glen, you need to attend the Planning Commission meeting this Thursday, January 7th at 7pm at the Village Hall (14240 W 151st St, Homer Glen, IL 60491)

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Zoom into the meeting using the flowing link:

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Email Vijay Gadde: