Memoir of a Patriot
by Sheri Tucci
2020 began as a promising yeardespite an election evoking some fear.The Left has relentlessly committed to smearany flicker or flame of Conservative jeer.
Big Tech pulled their punches & fact checked us to death,Jailed us on Facebook & led us on a questto seek alternative outlets, news and podcasts.No matter, their claims of conspiracy lasts.
MSM is called out for Fake News and agendasby Trump who knows best how they flake & offend us.Indictments ensue as Russians collude.No time to waste, we must Pursue.
Susie Rice takes to spying, Nixon rolls in his grave.Three-lettered agencies lying, modern Watergate pavesthe way for the Swamp to spread its blue wave.
As The Steele Dossier makes a fuss it’s discoveredthat the ten million dollars funded by Fusion GPS is recovered.
Russian disinformation causes delusionabout Hunter’s laptop, creating confusion.Impeachment averted, tax dollars burned.Wait, Biden’s in bed with Burisma, we learned?Cumo , then Shokin are suddenly firedas money from Ukraine, Romania, and China are wiredto Rosemont Seneca Thornton, LLCowned by the Bidens’ for consulting in 2016.
Floyd’s death births BLM & Antifa, quite clearin Soros’s back pocket, inciting new fear,rioting, pillaging Dem cities outright.Cops get defunded, now are targets by night.
Statues strike fear into left-leaning hearts.Now history’s erased, guess it all was a farce.
Sting operations break up human sex trafficking.Clinton’s’ aid and abed the fake death of Epstein.Planned Parenthood, Pro Choice celebrate their rightto deny that they are even taking a life.Over two thousand years Catholic Church has opposed itand all of a sudden Pope Francis condones it.Three months, six months, or nine months doesn’t matter,Better organs to harvest seeing the latter.
Big news of Kamala joining team Biden.A year has passed since her failed attempt at ridin’.Her campaign crashed and burned calling Joe a molester.JK, once sworn in, his seat will be sequestered.
The debates were a joke, if even one can conceive it.A mud-slinging display, juvenile and believe it,with a left-leaning moderator-gestapo,leaving poor Sleepy Joe in such a debacle.His go to, “Come on man” and “You know the thing”,Has the most familiar Seuss-sounding ring.Speaking of doctors, what did I hear?Jill Biden has some kind of title she wears.Just thought she was babysitter-gone-mistress, how weird!
And now the pandemic, man made by Chinese.No worries, Fauci’s leading team Covid-19.Statistics vary, Science is unclear.Mask up, social distance, don’t gather for fear.You may wind up the .01 percent, dear.
Bill Gates and eugenics-A New World Order,vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer now borderon freedom to visit and roam as we choosebut what will we gain versus what will we lose?
It’s been fought for, defended, the freedom we share.In the blink of an eye it could vanish, why care?Let the death toll to preserve it not be in vain.Wisen up, do your research and vote once again.
Be certain to mail in your absentee ballot.Any reason will do, it will add to the palletof votes to be counted well after deadline has passedonce Dominion has tallied the count to surpass.
This leads us to the rallies for Trump and for Biden.One was uplifting, and one felt like you died in.The Trump Train was one you would want to be ona magnificent, upbeat, uniting bond.Compared to the circles spread six feet apartstill wearing masks, moving on, well before dark.
Affidavits flow faster than Kraken can sue.SCOTUS refuses- no burden of proof.DJT proclaims, “The election’s been stolen.”While Patriots unite to regain what is owed them.
General Michael T Flynn holds secrets no doubt.So Trump pardons him, and now he is out!
First Amendment guarantees a citizens rightto peaceably assemble to convey their plight.Romney marches in support of BLM.Death toll from riots now thirty,where will it end?
Here we go, Anti-Christ Speaker, Nancy PelosiRhinos acquiesce, & up her arse goes their noseys.How arrogantly they dismiss who they represent!Do they think we’ll forget who they screwed as they went?Voting against their own constituents!
VP, Mike Pence, is sued until the last hour,Homer pairs with John Roberts reinstating his powerto preside the Assembly in Special Session.Don’t dare vote against them or you’ll learn your lesson!
I just can’t believe it! I sure have my doubts.Those who value their freedom would never sell outto the Left-winged progressives who’ll Socialize us.You didn’t vote for Biden-just Not for Trump.It’s a slippery slope and a dangerous gameto play odds on the life-sucking Dems you’ll soon blame.
For never in all of my days on this earthhas one hundred percent of a roombeen filled with no worth.For a man who will cover another mans lieswith more of his own, breed contempt and despise,betraying the will of those you representforsaking your Oath, & our Sacred Document!
Your rapture shall end as the empire fallsto Socialist tyranny, hitting a wall.Too deep now, there is no turning back.Critical Race Theory is now the new black.
It all looks so bleak with the FISA warrants.Big Tech has banned Trump, Flynn, and now the torrentsof supporters of truth, wait in limbo to dealwith what Seth Rich’s file server reveals.
Tag Trump with this message any way that you can:#DECLASSIFY HAMMER & SCORECARD#LIFT MONTGOMERY’s GAG ORDER BAN
Fools of a godless allegiance, quite mere,FOR THE GOD-FEARING PATRIOTS SHALL PERSEVERE!🇺🇸
God Bless America & God Bess DJT and his Patriots❣️🇺🇸
Have a Blessed day! Sheri Tucci