Illinois like the other democrat controlled States is in a rapid decline. Elimination or laws inhibiting the police hurts public safety. How does a democrat controlled State keep the stupid laws, unfunded mandates, health orders not based in science, increase taxes, not putting criminals in Jail, make “Woke” “BLM” “CRT”, and the 1629 project the law of the land with no vote of the legislature? Does any parent that reads the Standards for Sex Education want their Children to hear it let alone see the pictures and have a teacher say this is normal?
We the people of Illinois are being sold out by some of our elected officials! Democrats are either buying into the Socialist Agenda of the squad, afraid to stand against the minority of people with the loudest mouths, or sit quietly because their party has left them and they think they can’t win their next election without the party. If they had a sense of logic they would realize they win elections because they vote and work for measures that the people that elected them like.
Republicans are always trying to work with “the other side of the Isle” meaning compromise. The problem is the conservative view now has now room to be dumbed down without surrender of the principals that got them elected in the first place. Republicans get a few crumbs to make them feel like they are getting something but in the end the dial on the clock keeps moving left.
Voting is still the way we get those that govern us. Anyone with half a brain knows that the last Presidential Election was stolen. We the people actually experienced a coup d’état in a grand scale that allowed our country to usher in the Marxist ideology pushed by a small minority of the American people. We are now in a time where what is good for the majority is now considered bad, and made to be bad by Television, Movies, Books, General media, Education, and those we elect to serve and protect us and the Constitution. Allowing for voter rules that can be corrupted is one of the ways Democrats are holding power and moving us into Socialism. Just think having voter ID is considered “Racist” yet you need an ID to have a bank account, drive a car, get a fishing license, etc.
We must stand against laws imposed on us and elected officials with no backbone to fight against Marxism. It is not going to be easy. When a precinct has 120% of the vote turnout, its clear there is a problem and nothing is done. We as citizens must go vote no matter what to at least offset some of the cheating, and maybe get enough votes to actually win. We can Never give up!!!!!!!