Last year we slept through yet another election. Sure, a few got out and voted, almost 67 percent of those of voting age. Some of them voted, reluctantly, along with a ready pool of illegal and non-existent voters rounded up by community organizing groups, for the man who hid in his basement for many months and said nothing. A few voted for the incumbent, who said a lot, and often.
Dumbed down by government schools, pop culture and a sycophantic media, fed up with the flailings of the administration, driven by emotion and enticed by promises of “free” instead of freedom, they bought the lie that is Joe Biden. Then they smiled, turned over and went back to sleep.
Now it is summer, and some people are waking up to find the robbers, thieves and liars getting too comfortable in our digs, helping themselves to our comfy chair, warm bed and our snacks and looking for even more ways to steal from us and give to themselves – and the other non-producers.
When confronted they always show their arrogance. Emboldened by huge infusions of cash from the Corptocracy known as the U.S. Federal Government, they dismiss us as irrelevant. They now lord over us rather than work for us as they live their easy life being and further ram their Socialist agenda through very quickly, seeking to turn America into a European-style Socialist Democracy.
Sliding in
As Freebeacon.com points out, “Democrats are not trying to hide the fact … Sen. Ed Markey (Mass.) said on Tuesday that ‘the Green New Deal is in the DNA’ of the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending plan. Markey could have accurately stated that most of the Bernie Sanders campaign platform is in the budget’s DNA. Whether it’s lowering the Medicare eligibility age, offering universal Pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds, or providing widespread ‘debt relief,’ it’s hard to see how things would be dramatically different if Sanders occupied the Oval Office himself.”
Where is the party in opposition that has not decried its opponents in power as Communists, if not at least Socialists? It is not being heard from because it is compliant.
Let me again give you just a few planks of communism. They show that America is more a socialist and communistic than republican in form of government:
- Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. (Private property rights are almost nonexistent today. You don’t own your property if it can be confiscated for non-payment of tribute to the king, or if a government agency like the Environmental Protection Agency can arbitrarily tell you what you can and can’t do with it. Landlords are now not allowed to evict anyone because of non-payment. We own nothing.)
- A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (Accomplished via the American tax system. Enforced via the Gestapo-like Internal Revenue Service and soon to be expanded by our new $6 trillion in spending.)
- Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (Accomplished via rendition and drug laws allowing law enforcement to confiscate property if it is suspected of being used in the trade or manufacture of drugs — often without evidence.)
- Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. (Accomplished via the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal and doesn’t hold “reserves.”)
- Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. (Accomplished via the Federal Communications Commission and the regulated airline industry, Amtrak, public transportation and the regulated auto industry. Further attempts being made to seize more power through control of the Internet.)
- Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. (In progress via Big Agra conglomerates, and Agenda 21, “sustainable development” communities, etc.)
- Free education for all children in public schools. (Accomplished via the public indoctrination system called public education under the control of the Federal government and soon to be furthered by “forgiving” student loans.)
These planks are supported by both major political parties. Why? Because politics in America is not a party system. It is instead a repetitive and insulting process of pacifying the national will with the illusion of freedom and political choices.
The nature of government is to perpetually grow, and the nature of politics and politicians is for wealth and power. They represent government, not you.
Governments and politicians mask their agendas and create illusions to deceive and misrepresent. They look upon the public as a herd that should be deceived and led for the benefit of government and the elite.
The answer for us is to inquire into government morality, the nature of which is universalism.
In the vision of utopian universalism, there are no races, colors, creeds nor standards of excellence. Sound familiar?
Universalism organizes around and goes forward under similar ideologies ranging from humanitarianism to egalitarianism. These politico-religious ideologies are akin in their humanist depiction of men as victims of history, victims of other men and victims of God and in the belief in human progress or works as necessary to salvation. Universalism incorporates Islam, Judaism and all brotherhood religions in the religious sphere.
Universalism is socialism, communism and democracy in the political sphere. Universalism trumpets perfect freedom while resulting in total slavery. In the United States, universalism has led to the state of affairs we find ourselves in.
Getting out
The key question then becomes, “How do people come to accept universalism?” One of the means is by secular, civic glory. That is, public sporting and political events take on a religious fervor, much as they did in the French and Russian communist revolutions.
Politics is not personal. Yet what conversation can one now have with someone who “believes” differently with regard to politics? Politics has become our personal belief system, replacing God altogether. The constant onslaught of humanistic and perverse propaganda disguised as entertainment furthers the universalist slide. Our senses are so dulled that we no longer have an imperative to inquire. There is no distinction in our minds that our individual and personal identity is different or should be different from the crowd.
Inquiry is more than a curious mind. It is a disturbance of thought when values and inalienable rights are challenged and violated. This disturbance welled up recently and was called “The Tea Party” which has since been quashed.
Yet, still, we must awaken, and continue to inquire and disrupt. What could be more degrading and insulting to our being than to imagine that we are free and never inquire? Then we will have allowed government mysticism to create an illusion of freedom that we have accepted as the real thing.
Written by Bob Livingston