Steve Balich Editors Note: So if you are an illegal you are exempt from the mandates and most laws that citizens must obey. This sounds like citizens are considered as less than an illegal. The Right to say no is denied to citizens for no other reason than the government knows what is best for the citizen that is too stupid to take care of themselves. So taking a shot that is called a vaccination that does not protect you from the disease and may make you very sick is forced on the population in the name of public safety. Too bad the citizens understand there is the concept of control of our lives because the big Government can. We the citizens need to tell Government no to the masks that give us Bronchial infection and who knows what else as well as a shot that may or may not help us but could make us very sick. God only knows what will happen from these forced measures in years to come.
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- BlueRoomStream, Greg Bishop / The Center Square
Separately, Ashley Wright with the Illinois Attorney General’s office, Catholic Conference’s Bob Gilligan, state Rep. Bob Rita, D-Blue Island, state Sen. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, and state Rep. LaShawn Ford, D-Chicago, talk about possible changes to the HCRCA
(The Center Square) – A controversial measure to change the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act that would allow for health-related discrimination including the legal termination of workers who do not follow COVID-19 vaccine, mask or other health-related mandates heads to the House floor.
House Sponsor Robyn Gabel said the proposed amendment doesn’t change the law, but clarifies it, “to protect all the people in this state.”
The 1998 Health Right of Conscience Act bans discrimination against a person who declines to receive or participate in any form of health care services contrary to his or her conscience.
Ashley Wright with the state Attorney General’s Office told a House committee that without the measure, there will be more lawsuits using the act as a defense against complying with Gov J.B. Pritzker’s work-related COVID-19 mandates, and warns of negative health consequences.
Wright noted recent temporary restraining orders issued by courts against firing employees in Kankakee County and Adams County who declined to receive the vaccine.
“Not passing this bill ultimately means that the state cannot keep people safe, and we’re talking about congregate settings here,” Wright said. “We’re talking about nursing homes, and veterans’ homes. We’re also talking about schools.”
Bob Gilligan with the Catholic Conference of Illinois opposed the measure.
“We’re concerned that if you restrict conscience rights for COVID, well, what’s next,” Gilligan said. “Power given to the government is seldom returned.”
Gilligan said his group doesn’t oppose mandated testing, but the measure is far too broad as written.
By the time the House Executive Committee opened Tuesday evening, there were 660 proponents of the change, but more than 48,200 opponents. Republican state Sen. Terri Bryant said she’s never seen that much opposition to a bill before.
“What’s driving it is people basically saying that the government does not have the right to distinguish what is your sincerely held religious belief,” Bryant said.
Democratic state Rep. LaShawn Ford said the amendment isn’t ready and may be the wrong approach to encourage vaccination.
“We have to make sure that we convince people that taking the vaccine is the right thing to do and make sure that they still have that option to have their doctor give the exemption and to make sure they get the religious exemption,” Ford said. “So those are important for me that we maintain the right to.”https://76d0a6b1d945af9e74c08d61853f12d7.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
The measure passed committee along party lines and is expected to be brought up in the House Wednesday before being sent to the Senate for concurrence.