3,735 Chicago Police officers have not complied with city’s vaccine reporting mandate
Posted on by steveba2103

3,735 Chicago Police officers have not complied with city’s vaccine reporting mandate as legislature debates changes to Illinois Health Care Conscience Act – Wirepoints joined Chicago’s Morning Answer on AM 560
Wirepoints President Ted Dabrowski joined Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson on Chicago’s Morning Answer. They discussed the governor’s proposed changes to the Illinois Health Care Conscience Act.
Steve Balich Editors Note: The Police, Fire, Hospital Workers, all first responders worked through the initial covid times that were extremely contagious and many have got anti-bodies while others were able to fight off the infection, yet now they are forced to get a shot that may harm them now or in the future against their will. Getting the jab is a personal choice and a right of conscience. Marxist Socialist Democrats control their party. They believe in government control for every aspect of your life.
We the People of the once free Country that follows the Constitution need to stand up and say no more. We the people still have power to stand up and force our rights if we stick together. If Socialist Democrats take control we will see an increase in crime, defunding of Police, Government control of our schools and much more. Just think of a 5 year old being forced to get the shot that does have negative side effects and God knows what over time. Be not afraid to stand against government control!!!!!!