“American Democracy” implies individual and personal freedom. But with the word “democracy” as cover, our American system was gradually transformed from its republican form, where it rose like the phoenix with the same face but with all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto implemented with the full force of the law and the power of the state.
They didn’t change our name from America to The Democratic Peoples State, nor arrest us in the middle of the night. Instead, Congress and the unelected pointy-headed cubicle dwellers stalking the halls of power have passed laws and regulations — and presidents signed executive orders — putting American people directly and absolutely under an authoritarian system.
And you know what? These laws were passed “legally” and sanctimoniously having the merest color of law right under our noses. Is it any wonder that the elected class has alienated most of the public? In 1958 73 percent of Americans trusted the federal government to do right all or most of the time. Since then it’s plunged to the 15-20 percent range.
When we vote Republicrat or Democan, we are not voting in a free election. We are merely rubber-stamping an entrenched bureaucratic system under the pretense of American Democracy. You are now meant to believe we have a “federal” election in this country. We do not. We have elections in each state, and they certify the results that send people to federal office. There is no “national” election. Only one in one million Americans realizes this.
No matter how obviously bad things get in America, that word “democracy” gives the people a completely false sense of security. It shields corruption to the core. It keeps Americans going to the polls and voting for myths and fantasies. Above all, it gives American fascism a pretty face.
Democracy equals socialism equals communism equals fascism. They are all totalitarian forms of collectivism demanding self-sacrifice and total allegiance to the state and are all anathema to life and liberty and property.
However, it’s naïve and wholly inaccurate to ascribe this philosophy only to Democrats. Almost all politicians, Democrat and Republican, embrace socialism in many forms.
Always remember: The government has nothing good or nice to give to you. The government is in the business of shrinking freedom (and wealth), not expanding it. Politicians regularly espouse human liberty and democracy at the same time. This is impossible! Human liberty is not available in a collectivist system. Human liberty is only available to the individualist.
The individual vs democracy
Individualism and human liberty are opposite to democracy and any other form of collectivism. The collectivist mentality or the mass collective mind is the spirit of the New World Order. The collectivist man cannot oppose tyranny because he is himself tyranny. He is the reality of the supreme welfare state in its conspiracy of the ages to manipulate humanity against itself.
The collectivist mentality lures mankind to guidance from “higher authorities” (government). The crowd wants prepackaged truth and human freedom granted by government authority rather than being forced to use their own consciousness for making decisions and determining their own actions. Hence, they are easily deceived and manipulated by some altruistic nonsense.
People often ask me, “Bob, who are you voting for?” in this or that national election. My response is always the same. “No one.” Why would I waste my time selecting between Tweedle Dumb or Tweedle Dumber when both are collectivists and agents of the same global elites? Ron Paul is no longer running… show me a politician from either party who believes what I believe and I will vote for them.
“But Bob,” they say, “If you don’t vote for candidate X, you are voting for candidate Y. Candidate Y will do thus and so and bring down our nation.”
This is not so.
As it stands, all candidates — and congress, with few exceptions — worship the state and consider the state as the only cure for all ills. They are beholden to the system. They worship the god of this world, money. They seek to divide the people and place them into one group or another and then to pit them against each other – Republican vs. Democrat, liberal vs. conservative, white vs. black, male vs. female, straight vs. sodomite, Christian vs. Muslim, Christian vs. Jew, Christian vs. nonbeliever — in order to achieve political power.
Group identity can be any religious group, any racial group, any fraternal group — either secret or open — and any social group. As one loses his/her identity to group thought, then he/she becomes manipulated by the phony altruistic pronouncements of politicians and authority. This is to say that when one loses self he is transferred to group thought. We are one or the other.
Governments and their politicians strive to move humanity from the ego or self to the group. This is the foundation of government deception and power. The stronger the group’s appeal, the more one can be led into and deceived by altruism and altruistic appeals. The goal of this deception is to con people into ceding more power and wealth to the entrenched elite based on phony altruistic nonsense.
Groups impress upon one’s psychic concepts pseudo “facts” that are unprovable and have no foundation in fact but are accepted as an absolute for generation after generation. Group dynamics promote altruism and a mind locked out of reality. Groups socialize and dehumanize.
Communication fails between husband and wife, between friends, between neighbors, between professional associates, etc., etc., in direct relation to group influences and their degree of altruism.
This is not altruism as you have probably been led to believe. This altruism is a morality based on the philosophical premise that man lives for the sake of others… that man’s life and property are available for sacrifice to “higher causes” (e.g., the common good, the public interest, society, the needy, the world, country, the flag, etc.). Herr Hitler used the morality of altruism with his “higher good” to which anything and everything should be sacrificed for the “National Will.”
Why are we on the ‘Animal Farm’?
The animal farm is that world arena wherein man collectively surrenders himself, his personal being, his ego to the collective and obedient faith in government authority. It’s all very simple. A crowd can be manipulated into an altered state of consciousness, finally evolving into a growing attitude of docility, whereas an individualistic person cannot be manipulated so easily.
Believe me, the politicians and bureaucrats know this and use it for ongoing deception. This is how people are enslaved.
The state always considers that a self-sufficient and independent thinker is a threat to collectivism and its efforts to deceive the masses. This is because we dare not fall into the trap of ascribing too much power to government and politicians who sell their souls to the god of this world in the political realm by placing too much emphasis on the political system.