By Mark Weyermuller –
Thursday night over 450 people attended the Republican governor candidate forum held at the Diplomat West Banquet Hall in Elmhurst, Illinois. Four of the six announced candidates running in the Republican primary attended the forum. They included state Senator Darren Bailey, Schaumburg businessman Gary Rabine, Chris Roper and south suburban attorney Max Solomon (as pictured above). Other GOP gubernatorial candidates Paul Schimpf and Jesse Sullivan were invited, but did not attend.
The event was event was hosted run by the Multi-County Conservative Coalition. The forum moderators were former state Rep. Jeanne Ives and Will County Board member Steve Balich. The event was free and open to the public.
A straw poll was taken at the end of the evening and Darren Bailey won with 47.2%. Max Solomon came in 2nd with 25.7%, Gary Rabine with 21.5% and Chris Roper with 5.6%.
A toilet was placed at the entrance of the banquet hall in honor of current Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker. You might recall he was involved in a scandal where he removed the toilets in the house he owns next door to his Astor Street mansion in Chicago. The idea was to claim the house was unusable to receive a large property tax reduction. Many believe he should had been charged with a crime, or at least resigned, but little has come of the scandal.
The Illinois legislature moved the 2022 primary election from the traditional March date to Tuesday, June 28, 2022.
For more information, contact Multicountyconservatives.org