I am thankful that we’re blessed with liberty and the freedom to make our own choices. Although when it comes to what we eat, Americans are certainly being given wrong-headed advice on what to choose to eat.
In most cases, you’re not even given a choice. Everything you’re offered on the shelves of stores is processed, refined and not something you would want to put in your body.
Much of it is devoid of nutrients and far from the pure, whole food God intended you to eat, and from which we have been diverted from through a deliberate misinformation campaign started many years ago due to greed.
In fact, the very institutions that are supposed to protect you invited this epidemic into your home and your American way of life without your permission and without you even knowing about it.
But to know what I’m talking about, I have to take you back in time…
The advice killing millions
In 1953, a scientist named Ancel Keys published a graph in a paper called “Atherosclerosis: A problem in newer public health.”
It wasn’t much to look at, and not complicated.
He graphed fat consumption alongside heart disease deaths of men from six different countries. The data all lined up nicely.
If you took the graph as truth, it seemed as though the more animal fat you ate, the higher the death rate.
It caused a huge uproar. So much so that another study was undertaken to look at Keys’ original study.
Unfortunately, the newer study used the same flawed correlations as the original. So it also found that animal protein had a strong positive correlation with heart disease.
Representatives of the American Heart Association went on television to inform people that a diet that included large amounts of animal products would lead to heart disease.
Soon, the government started recommending that people stay away from animal products in order to prevent heart disease.
This greatly benefited the huge agricultural conglomerates that were growing wheat and corn, and producing corn oils and man-made butter that you might know better as margarine.
To add to the confusion, the Kellogg family, who were vegetarians, ran a sanitarium in which they developed “granola” and eventually corn flakes to feed their patients instead of animal products.
The patients started requesting it by mail after they left the sanitarium because they believed it was “healthy.” The Kelloggs started packaging it, and to sell their products they used shrewd advertising to convince you that cereal is good while animal products are bad.
None of this was true… it was simply all in the commercial interests of Big Agra.
Consequences of avoiding animal protein
For decades since, ads touting not the foods God made, but lots of processed cereals that “Mother Nature” (i.e., Big Agra) made have been very effective. They tell you that these foods are considered a wholesome solution for heart disease.
Even better for the corporations, processed foods are “proprietary.” No one else can sell them. That means bigger profit margins. You can’t trademark steak and eggs.
Louise Light, Ed.D, the nutritionist the USDA hired to create the food pyramid said:
“I was disappointed and depressed that good nutrition and healthy eating were obscured by lobbyists and their allies in government. A seemingly impenetrable wall of distortion had been erected to block thinking that could interfere with the way food was made, promoted and sold.”
And since Americans have been thoroughly convinced that Big Agra is really Mother Nature, and that eating that delicious turkey on Thanksgiving is bad, while eating grains and processed foods is good, obesity has soared.
Hypertension is the most diagnosed condition by American doctors, and heart disease rates have skyrocketed.
You might not know this, but your body has built-in mechanisms for defeating heart disease. For preventing high blood pressure. For protecting against strokes, heart attacks and disease.
And it doesn’t involve starving your body of nutrients by eating fat-free or a grain-based diet, or denying yourself the good things we all enjoy about living in modern times.
It’s a shame more people don’t know about this because chronic diseases like heart disease have now overtaken infectious disease for the first time in history as the No. 1 killer on Earth – yes, even in the age of the scaredemic.
If you keep listening to the extremists – that means modern medicine, nutritionists and even some of the alternative-health gurus – you’ll never get off the disease-producing treadmill.
Our tastes naturally guide us to food that’s good for us. Unless humans were starving, they didn’t eat grains because grains don’t taste good. Without processing, grains are hard, gritty, tasteless and difficult to digest.
A natural balance ensued and we adapted to hunt for meat; forage for vegetables, fruit and nuts; and supplement with fibrous grains that help our digestion.
Vegetables are a great source of fibrous carbs. They slow the conversion of starchy carbohydrates into glucose. That’s important because it also slows your body’s release of insulin.
Fruits, nuts and seeds are good as well. You can eat all these in their natural form, and they are all good carbs. They’re fresh and balanced, with protein, fat, good carbs and natural sugar.
These foods are mouthwatering for a reason. Your body wants to eat them for a reason… they’re good for you!
This is your body’s mechanism for defeating disease.
This is the secret.
It’s called balance. Because if you want solid health and long life … if you want to stay sharp-minded and independent as you age, there are clear fundamentals and things you can do—in moderation!—that will make clear, immediate and lasting improvements to your health.
It’s a radical strategy, if you listen to the mainstream. To think you can have perfect health simply and easily, without “lifestyle changes,” without avoiding meat, lowering your cholesterol, or doing any extreme workouts or running for miles contradicts what every mainstream medical practitioner wants you to believe.
But you can take small steps in the right direction and come up with much bigger benefits than you’ve been led to believe. They will help you build perfect health that you can truly be thankful for.
Bob Livingston