I urge you to question everything mainstream medicine tells you is gospel because it has a for-profit motive in everything it does. Check out alternative medicine sources. I have been writing about natural preventatives and cures for years in The Bob Livingston Letter® and here, in my Bob Livingston Alerts, and I will continue to do so.
If you have bought into the myth of drugs you are seeking health that you will never find. You will only progressively fill up your body with poison; for that is exactly what drugs are.
Yet if we take charge of our own health, we can restore proper health and health freedom in America. We will have guaranteed better health, ways to avoid cancer, heart disease and diabetes, and a leg up on ending the oppression of the medical mafia. This is the subversive cartel that has deceived us into believing that drugs will take the place of food in healing and health.
You will also benefit with an increase in your years on this Earth, a re-training of your taste for the right nutritious foods, no more full-belly hunger, and the commercial food empire (junk food) will be cut in half.
America has been deceived into bad health through bad diet. Let your food be your medicine.
To that end, let us discuss just a few underground health tips you need to know:
- Resveratrol and its cousin pterostibene have been found to exhibit antiviral activities against a wide range of viruses.
- Why gargle with saltwater? Viruses that cause colds can’t survive in a high-salt environment. Be sure to always use sea salt.
- Sleep apnea — high glucose ingestion, which depletes vitamin B1, could affect the function of the breathing centers. Take B1 (100-500mg) before bed.
- Liver health — Alpha-lipoic acid. It’s one of the few free-radical fighters that is both fat and water-soluble. Why is that important? Toxins hide out in fat cells but they can’t hide from ALA. As a result, alpha-lipoic acid is one of the most powerful nutrients to help restore the health of a liver damaged by drugs, alcohol or environmental toxins.
- Vitamin F (not really a vitamin but a term for two fats — alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) from omega-3, and linoleic acid (LA) from omega-6) will stop leg cramps.
- Cinnamon oil decreases the bacteria in your mouth that are the culprits behind bad breath and gum problems.
- Don’t eat any spoiled food but don’t eat anything that won’t spoil.
- Cervical Cancer prevention — Calcium Lactate, vitamin D and vitamin F.
- Kidney Stones are caused by hyperalkalinity; this is the only time I advise that you switch your diet quickly to more acid foods.
- Gall Stones? Eat Beet greens.
- Fever Blister or Cold Sore — Calcium Lactate and vitamin F; caused by low tissue calcium.
- Oil Change for your Heart — krill oil.
- Coumadin accelerates arteriosclerosis or calcification of arteries and calcification of heart valves. Coumadin triggers a vitamin K deficiency.
- High doses of vitamin K have stopped experimental calcification of the aorta and even reversed it. Vitamin K is also important for building strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.
- Use the natural nattokinase for blood thinner but if your doctor has you on coumadin, consider a supplemental vitamin K.
- 99.9 percent of the chlorophyll supplements sold are water-soluble, thus void of any nutrition. Fat-soluble chlorophyll contains vitamins A, E, F, and K, plus a mineral source of magnesium, iron, potassium and trace minerals.
- Prostate Cancer — selenium is very important in decreasing the chance of prostate cancer as well as many other forms of cancer. Studies show that risk of prostate cancer can be cut in half with 200 mcgs of selenium per day. Eat one Brazil nut.
- Integrative medicine specialists have told me to a man that a high PSA reading does not indicate cancer. Instead, it indicates that something is going on to inflame the prostate. That something could indeed be cancer, but it is much more likely that a high reading is due to a recent infection or a completely benign enlargement of the prostate gland.
- Anesthesia — poisons the entire body; fortify with nutrition before anesthesia.
- High cholesterol is a deficiency of statin drugs. This is your test of establishment medicine. Did you recognize the falsehood and pass?
- Half the “medical care” provided to Americans is unnecessary, including millions of worthless procedures, unnecessary and repeated tests and millions of excess drug prescriptions. 32 percent of surgeries performed on Medicare patients are unnecessary. Well, the system is such that doctors have to treat with drugs, tests and surgery; otherwise, they would have no income and the hospitals would have no income.
- Magnesium deficiency is literally epidemic and increasingly underdiagnosed. Think vascular spasm, spastic colon, lung spasm (asthma).
- Nightshade-free diet — many researchers for a very long time have claimed that three out of four people who have pain of arthritis or joint pain could be pain free in six weeks on a nightshade-free diet. Nightshade would be tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers.
- Iodine deficiency worldwide — causing autoimmune thyroiditis, stubborn weight gain, fibrocystic breast, high cholesterol, hair loss, fatigue, poor memory, etc. Soils are depleted, nuclear accidents, fluoride in the drinking water; all displace iodine. Supplements are required.
- Tachycardia — potassium for quick response.
- Vitamin C increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, taking a huge load off the heart. It is evident that vitamin C complex doubles the oxygen-carrying power of the blood decreasing the tissue demand for oxygen. Vitamin C complex (not just ascorbic acid) could save many pneumonia deaths. Pneumonia is a deficiency of vitamin C complex.
- The manganese secret — “Inside our blood vessels, manganese is important in the enzyme arginase which contributes to the (nitric oxide-induced) vasodilatation (relaxing and lowering of blood pressure) and health (lessening of blood clots) of our blood vessel linings.” Dr. Sherry Rogers, June 2005. Manganese is also a muscle builder, bone hardener, and ligament strengthener. Great for lower back pain.
- Vitamin D receptors are in nearly every tissue of the body, the brain, the prostate, and white blood cells. Researchers now know that high levels of vitamin D provide protection from diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, depression, autoimmune diseases like lupus and breast cancer, prostate and colon cancer.
- Bleeding under the skin? We see it all the time in seniors who take drug blood thinners. Or they may not take blood thinners but just have what we call capillary fragility or capillary bleeding with blue or black skin as evidence. This may indicate hypertension, elevated cholesterol level, arteriosclerosis, minute circulation disturbances or maybe “ringing in ears.” Cyruta is the answer for cholesterol metabolism in the capillaries, easy bruising and bleeding gums. Cyruta is made from buckwheat, an anti-scurvy staple that goes back to ancient Mesopotamia. It was the staple of the American pioneer but has been largely forgotten in the modern diet.
- Acidosis — A deficiency of the alkaline buffers in the blood which reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. A breath-holding test will determine if you are too acid. Those in pH balance can inhale a medium breath and hold it for 60 to 80 seconds. But those with acidosis cannot hold it for more than 20 to 25 seconds.
- Worry about breaking your hip as you age? I tell anyone who will listen that the Mediterranean diet could help. It builds up bone density in the femoral neck, the rounded part of your thigh bone that fits into your hip. That’s important because the femoral neck is where you usually break your hip when you have osteoporosis… the reason so many seniors end up in nursing homes.