Pritzker Repeals Parental Rights and Biden Facilitates Mail-Order Abortions
Written by David E. Smith
Over the past few days, we’ve seen a setback in the cause for sanctity of life. In their pursuit of women’s so-called “autonomy,” abortion cheerleaders have successfully secured some dangerous policy victories.
On Friday afternoon, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law the euphemistically titled “Youth Health and Safety Act” (HB 370), which repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. By adding his signature to this repeal, Governor Pritzker—and the 94 Democrats who voted for it—usurp parental rights to be involved in major health decisions of their minor daughters by removing the last major abortion restriction in the state of Illinois. It’s hard to believe that our state lawmakers are so tone deaf or isolated from the real world that they would be in favor of cutting parents out of the life of their daughters at a time when they most need their parent’s counsel.
This law that abortion cheerleaders have worked hard to repeal was not a parental permission law. It merely required that parents or guardians be notified at least 48 hours prior to an unemancipated minor girl acquiring an abortion. Actually, the law was so generous that it permitted the person notified to be a parent, grandparent, step-parent or guardian who is living in the home with the minor girl. It also provided for a judicial bypass waiver that would allow exemptions from notification for medical emergencies or to protect girls whose safety might be jeopardized by parental notification.
Pro-life champion, Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-15th District) issued a statement on Friday, saying:
Repealing parental consent for abortion makes vulnerable girls even more vulnerable.
We should all be concerned that sexual abusers will take advantage of this new law by bringing the young girls they prey upon into an abortion clinic. Allowing secret abortions to be performed on minor girls without their mother’s knowledge is not healthcare, it’s child abuse.
Parents are the guardians of their children, not the government and not the abortionists at Planned Parenthood.
Why would they repeal this important law, when we know that parents and grandparents across the state don’t want their daughters getting an abortion without their knowledge and guidance? Because it will result in more blood-money for the abortion industry. Representative Miller is correct, the repeal will enable additional young “patients,” their boyfriends, pimps and abusers to come from pro-life states to Illinois’ slaughterhouses to circumvent the abortion regulations in their home states.
Illinois State Senator Darren Bailey (R-55th District) didn’t hold back when he highlighted the horrific consequences of this repeal, saying,
I stand with the majority of Illinoisans who support parental rights and parental notification, but sadly, Governor Pritzker is too busy pushing extreme policies to compete with states like California and New York on who can be the most pro-abortion state. Pritzker signing this anti-parent and anti-child legislation enables sexual predators and human traffickers that the Parental Notification Act has been proven to deter. If elected as Illinois’ next Governor, I will continue working to correct this egregious overstep of government, restore parental rights, and work towards policies that protect our children and life in general.
We shouldn’t be surprised by the callousness of the supermajority of snollygosters in Springfield. After approving taxpayer funding of abortion in 2017, three new abortion mills were built near the borders of Indiana, Wisconsin, and Missouri, so their citizens could take advantage of abortion-friendly Illinois. They want more abortions.
Abortion cheerleaders have worked tirelessly to make Illinois the abortion mecca of the Midwest.
And if that is not enough, Joe Biden‘s Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has permanently removed the required in-person doctor’s visit for women seeking a chemical abortion, also known as mifepristone and/or RU-486. According to an article by Reason magazine,
The standard protocol for a medical abortion currently involves a dose of mifepristone, which thins the lining of the uterus by blocking the effects of progesterone, followed one or two days later by a dose of misoprostol, which causes uterine contractions. The FDA has approved the use of that regimen up to 10 weeks into a pregnancy.
Pro-life groups warn that medical abortions are not only deadly for pre-born human beings in the womb but are also risky for women.
Carol Tobias, President of the National Right to Life Committee, points out that “The FDA knows the dangers of this abortion drug combination, but in the name of political expediency, has lifted the safety measure requiring an in-person doctor’s visit.”
LifeNews.com points to a new study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute which found that,
…“abortion-related emergency room visits by women taking the abortion drug increased more than 500 percent between 2002 and 2015. Researchers, looking at Medicaid code records, found “423,000 confirmed induced abortions and 121,283 subsequent ER visits occurring within 30 days of the procedure.”
Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, new government health data shows a massive hospitalization rate due to abortion drugs after the government began allowing mail-order abortion drugs in 2020. According to the data, more than 10,000 women who received the abortion drugs by mail needed hospital treatment in 2020, or about one in 17 women.
The ugly politics of who gets to determine if a baby lives or dies is only exasperated by the what, how, and when abortions are facilitated. Progressives say they are fighting for women’s reproductive “health” care, but they fail to see how their destructive polices not only stop the beating heart of a human fetus but also steamrolls over the rights of those who have the best interests of young girls at heart. Scripture says that God created mankind in his own image (Gen. 1:27), and no matter where one is–in the world or nestled in a womb—human life is worthy of protection.