(“Virginia shocker” updates; additional info/analysis; and for those who didn’t see this earlier.)
What is Critical Race Theory? How did it take over our military so quickly? How does it relate to Intersectionalism? Why are today’s leftists so obsessed with glorifying and propagandizing “gender-bending” persons and activities?
Historical basis; precedent and divergence.
· Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a reboot of Marxism, with demographics having replaced economics, due to a confidence crisis within academic Marxism in the U.S. and UK following the collapse of the Socialist Bloc—up to then an inspiration—in 1989-1991.
· Until 2020, CRT was referred to by conservative intellectuals as “cultural Marxism.”
· Like Bolsheviks or Maoists, CRT’s proponents are totalitarians who brook no dissent, aiming to destroy all who stand in their way. Under CRT, merely supporting the free speech or due process rights of the accused is a crime. The accused—even if their sins date from their childhood—must be fired and expunged from the public sphere.
· However, where “traditional” Marxism splits the world into tenant farmer or wage-slave oppressed vs. large property/asset-owning oppressors, CRT identifies the oppressed mostly by skin color as well as by sexual preferences. This throws Marxism upside-down, inverting the oppressor-oppressed numerical proportion pyramid.
· In the “traditional” version, the oppressed constitute the overwhelming share of any population. But CRT quickly ran out of minorities who would take it seriously (blue-collar blacks and Hispanics already have a religion) and ended up chasing after—and setting on a pedestal to worship—persons of the cross-dressing or sex-change persuasion, who comprise perhaps 1/500 of the population in Western countries, and closer to zero in others. CRT has thus substituted extreme outlier, envelope-pushing, “shock doctrine” exoticism for genuine, broad-based, “oppressed minority” buy-in.
· While the oppressed are “holy” in both true Marxism and CRT, in the former, any rich kid can have an epiphany and become a hero-saint for the oppressed (e.g., Che Guevarra.) Conversely, in CRT, the oppressors, even if “woke” (hip to the movement), are mere peasant spectators at a hanging, or whipping their own backs like medieval cultists.
· In CRT, the “oppressed”—regardless of their career or wealth status; even black/brown millionaires are oppressed—are a fixed caste, and only they can speak for themselves. To even hint at speaking from the perspective of the oppressed, or to challenge anything that an oppressed person might say about his or her own subjective experience, constitutes a display of “white fragility”, or some such offense.
· In CRT, as in China during Mao’s Cultural Revolution, you can’t just be “non-political.” If not political, you are an enemy. Remember, “silence is violence.” This is more than a silly rhyme. Not acknowledging your subconscious racism and your white privilege, is, like violence, a crime—at least a moral one. Under CRT, you must be proactively “antiracist.” Anyone who thinks this can’t be serious, needs to look at HR/management emails from most large corporations and almost all universities in the summer of 2020.
· Although Marxist-inspired, CRT has other influences. Its “woke oppressor” self-flagellation is an obvious religious experience—an “I’m a sinner, save me Jesus” session for atheists. Its public shaming sessions hearken to the terror of the Cultural Revolution.
· While Marxism was originally a true revolutionary movement, CRT came up through the universities and is now systematically aiming for all other institutions, including large corporations, the military, and of course, primary schools (they are coming for your kids.) In CRT, there is no revolution, merely a Gramscian “march through the institutions”, which was greatly accelerated in the U.S. in 2020 by way of reduced “social immunity” arising from fear and confusion at the start of the epidemic, coupled with the drive to “get Trump” at any cost and by any means—all of which laid down a pool of napalm that was lit by “I can’t breathe” in Minneapolis.
· Like other hysterias in American—the Salem witch craze, temperance/Prohibition, McCarthyism—and world (e.g. the Reign of Terror in France) history, CRT has a small core of very aggressive, true believers, and a much larger accretion disk of groupies, opportunists, lip-servants—such as, for one current example, top military officers who need a few more months/years in uniform before they can retire at maximum pension and make millions of dollars sitting on “woke” corporate boards. Groupies and opportunists reading the weathervane is what allows CRT-like psychosis-fads to blow up as they do.
· The hugely lopsided ratio of groupies and opportunists to true believers has been a weakness in these movements, making them seem all-powerful, then casting them suddenly into oblivion after some power at the top says “enough!” (reference China in 1981), and/or the groupies peel off, as no population can live in hysteria indefinitely.
· CRT has established a hierarchy of status among the oppressed, such that blacks (for example) are holy, but a black lesbian is holier, and a black person of the cross-dressing or sex-change persuasion is probably holiest. The more identity elements (or the rarer and more exotic they are), the more deeply oppressed and the higher the status.
· CRT’s obsession with these “multiple identities” is known as “Intersectionalism.”
· Intersectionalism is intended to foster a victimhood mentality, as while (for example) ethnic Koreans tend to do very well in the USA, a college student steeped in intersectional thinking—while attending a top coastal university with a 25 percent “Asian” student body—may see herself as in particularly dire straits due to her being Korean and a woman and an atheist who survived a Methodist upbringing.
· This non-empirical pseudoscience gives the CRT-washed mind a feeling of uniqueness, as for some, being a “hyphen-American” is insufficient distinction/differentiation.
· These special snowflakes go on to proselytize for those who have tuned them in to their uniqueness. (This is a threat—perhaps a deliberate, conscious one—to the American model of near-total assimilation of immigrants within one to several generations.)
· On the other hand, in true Marxism, the oppressed are one big undifferentiated mass—so undifferentiated that they are referred to, in the singular, as “the proletariat.” In true Marxism, there is no identity beyond class identity—you’re either a worker (perhaps further categorized as peasant or city dweller) or an oppressor. True Marxism sees all workers as equally dignified; there is no moral hierarchy of special snowflakes.
· True Marxism offers salvation through a proletarian utopia, while CRT offers endless white shame and guilt for some, and victimhood/alienation/anger for others. There is no positive vision, except for those selling CRT-related books, training manuals, seminars, and consulting services, as well as some HR/diversity directors and others who have boarded the train for gain, such as many low-quality professors who would have failed their tenure vote until they began intimidating their colleagues with CRT-speak.
· True Marxists would call CRT a power-grab and shakedown racket by a marginal element of the bourgeoisie (the upper middle class, or sub-elites) against the mainstream bourgeoisie and the capitalists. True Marxists would perceive CRT as a hoax. They would not take it seriously, except as a case study in intra-elite battles within decadent capitalist societies of the Anglosphere.
Partisan-electoral aspects.
· CRT proponents do not stand against the state and “the powers that be.” They are not looking to radically change U.S. foreign policy, to stop the imperialist “war machine”, to cut military spending, to reign in the Patriot Act, Google, Wall Street, or any of those things that leftists were into even just five-six years ago. Having dumped the economic orientation of Marxism, they don’t aim to take all the money from the rich—they’d like to be rich themselves. Despite their rhetoric about “systems of power and oppression”, they don’t care about the banks, online privacy, or any other actual “power” issue.
· For these reasons, they have been accepted as allies, fellow travelers, and an inspiration by the Democrat party. As long as CRT proponents get their “cut”, they present no conceivable near-term threat to any Democrat interest group.
· CRT proponents, while aggressive, are not revolutionaries at all. Functionally, they have become the main social stream among the Democrats. No revolutionary can be closely aligned—however opportunistically—with a mainstream party. In true Marxism, all “bourgeois” parties are bad and must be destroyed.
· This attachment to the Democrats is a risk to CRT, as if the party fares poorly in elections—November 2021 was on a limited scale and wasn’t internalized at all levels—they would have to distance themselves from it, and all the “woke” corporations that take the Democrats’ cue (to be closer to power, for money’s sake) would follow suit. CRT would recede, withdrawing to the universities from which it came.
· Democrats and their propaganda engines understand this risk so well that they never acknowledge CRT, never speaking of it except as a “conspiracy theory” (remember Terry McAuliffe), or (like CNN’s anchors) adding “…which doesn’t exist” after every mention of it. For example, “Republicans have brainwashed their voters to be angry over CRT, which doesn’t exist.” If you believe CNN and MSNBC, all this broo-hah is about dumb parents resisting the “teaching of history”, as if no one knew about slavery until 2020.
· It does no good for propaganda to deny something, when it’s in peoples’ lives. In mid-2021, tens of thousands of households in the Fairfax County Public Schools district (Virginia) received an email with a long, bizarre, loaded pseudo-survey—translated at some cost into at least six foreign languages—roughly along the lines of, “Do you feel that your child’s school should teach more, or much more, about antiracism, multiple identities, and systems of power and oppression?” (An obvious, bad faith attempt to demonstrate parental support for the agenda.) Most voters don’t know where this vocabulary comes from, but the smart ones know something is wrong, and that their property taxes are going towards nonsense.
· Readers will recall how Democrats and their media dismissed Antifa as an “idea”, and to a large extent even denied that the 2020 nationwide riots and looting were happening (the Washington Post barely covered the carnage in its own town), until the “see no riots, hear no riots” line began costing them in opinion polls in August of that year. At that point, the “blue city” mayors suddenly got religion, and the chaos stopped almost overnight.
· Following that precedent, we might see CRT spontaneously withdrawn completely (or at least suspended) from the agenda at all levels, if enough Democrats across the country sense a pending disaster at the voting booth.
“Extra credit” bonus challenge: Ask your Democrat friends, relatives, or employees or coworkers (if safe to do so) why activist teachers and “library reading hours” have been pushing drag queens and sex-changers and “gender fluid” philosophy on kids, but have done nothing to promote black literature or culture—e.g., jazz not rap. (Isn’t that strange? After all, our main national sin is supposed to be racism, not “transphobia.”) Then, send them this factsheet.