Apple cider vinegar is a natural miracle worker
Apple cider vinegar is a natural miracle worker. It works as a digestive aid, pain reliever and will help relax restless legs. Now add to your list its work as a fat-busting agent that you can use to fulfill your weight loss goals this New Year.
If you don’t already have apple cider vinegar in your medicine chest — or in your health arsenal — it should be there. And you should take a dose daily “to keep the doctor away.” It is one of nature’s miracle “drugs.” It’s certainly a much better preventative than all the chemical drugs Big Pharma can cook up to poison you with.
How does it work? It is high in acetic acid, which has proven potent biological effects. It is made in a two-step process similar to how alcohol is made. In fact, the word “vinegar” in French means “sour wine.”
In the first step, apples are crushed and exposed to yeast, which ferments the sugars and turns them to alcohol. In the second step, bacteria are added, which turns it into acetic acid. If the vinegar contains the “mother,” it has strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria. Acetic acid is a potent antimicrobial and can help kill pathogens, including bacteria.
Dropping excess pounds
For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been a prized folk remedy for weight loss woes. Historical facts point out that even ancient Egyptians used vinegar to lose weight. And in his book Folk Medicine, D.C Jarvis, M.D., indicated that taking 2 teaspoons of the vinegar mixed in water at every meal provides a gradual but permanent weight loss. A Japanese study proves it works.
How can vinegar help you fight the fat? Some folks have theorized that the nutrients and enzymes in this tart brew may help you to drop pounds by suppressing your appetite, increasing your metabolic rate and decreasing your water retention.
But a study of mice in Japan indicates that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar turns on genes that assist your body in breaking down fats. Plus, other research has shown that the acetic acid in vinegar can even play a part in helping maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar. Proper blood sugar function is essential to losing pounds.
Apple cider vinegar also works as a digestive aid by increasing the flow of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. as I have written to you often, it is a myth that acid indigestion is caused by too much acid. It is a result of too little acid in the stomach, which hinders digestion and causes food to putrefy.
I recommend you buy organic apple cider vinegar. If you don’t like its taste, add a little honey, which carries natural benefits of its own.
Further, German researchers have proven that drinking 17 ounces of ice water daily can raise your metabolism by as much as 30 percent. This happens because it requires about 100 calories of energy to re-heat your body once it is cooled down. So add some apple cider vinegar to your ice water and you can speed up fat loss even more.
Here’s an easy metabolism booster recipe for you that you can make in ice water:
- ½ oz. of fresh lemon juice
- ½ oz. of organic apple cider vinegar (ACV)
- A pinch of cayenne pepper
Lemons and apple cider vinegar are two strong ingredients that can help balance your pH levels naturally. The cayenne pepper works to boost your metabolism. You can always add honey or stevia to make it sweeter.